Melvanetics BeP and Super Buckeye grow

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Very grouchy and ornery today…
May 12, 2014
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I started my next grow with my sons. I am going to teach them what little I know. I am sure the fogey's will be asking a lot of questions.

We have planted 2 Buckeye Purples and 2 Super Buckeye beans. We are growing in roots organix soil starting out in 'solo' cups. we used bottled water to start with and suturated the soil. planted the beans about 3/4" down. the cups are covered with saran wrap to hold the moisture in. they are camping out on top of the water heater to give them a nice warm base.

pics when they break the surface...
Well you know I'll be watching, green mojo
I also will be watching . I am waiting to get some melvangentics . Positive vibes bro
Mojo for the grow. Mel rocks it with the breeding so enjoy. Cool to teach your sons.
i figure it is a good thing to know how to do. they smoke probably always will. no point in paying someone else for inferior smoke. and besides that, it is a really enjoyable hobby. i look forward to the day where anyone can grow anywhere they want.
Hope you taught your boys rule number one about growing. As much as we think it's harmless lots of people don't it's sad.
Just had cops at my door for a complaint that I smoke my medical MJ at my house . Come on even the cop said people need to lighten up.
Yep, Dank. They know that they don't want to visit the old fogey in prison and that the old fogey does not want to worry about dropping the soap...
I started my next grow with my sons. I am going to teach them what little I know. I am sure the fogey's will be asking a lot of questions.

How great it is to teach your sons about your favorite hobby. My oldest boy can teach me a few things about growing. He does not grow now because of his job. When I started growing, about 3 years ago, he blew me away with his knowledge of growing. Good luck and green thumbs up your way. Peace.
thx for the well wishes. a journey of a thousand grams starts with a single seed...(well, maybe not a thousand grams but i was trying to sound all mystic and what-not).
3rd one popped. One to go. Not bad. 6 days from sowing.
got a hair across my @$$ about the one seed that had not popped so i excavated the soil carefully. it was a buckeye purple seed. the seed had popped but there was no cotyledon on it. it also appeared to be growing downward instead of upward. i may have planted this bean too deep. i have planted another BeP to replace it as i am only 6 days in here. i hope she can catch up...
I bet she will catch up. green mojo for your grow oldfogey.
thx. my last grow i had one a week behind the other because i killed one of the two seedlings it had popped. i didn't remember to keep track. they were both the same general size though after 9 weeks of veg.
Learned sumpin' new. Mel told if the soil is too warm, the seeds can get confused and go the wrong way. I had the cups on my water heater. The seed must have sought that warmth. Live and you learn...
When did you score Mel's gear? I'm waiting for it to drop and wondering if she just did one.
Positive vibes . Patients is needed I don't have any makes growing interesting lol positive vibes
i bought them thanksgiving day. they came 2 weeks and 2 days later. i read that she was going to be re-stocking at some point. i waited until now to plant them because i am lazy...

thanks for the positive vibes!
growing like weeds so to speak...

they have a second set of leaves. they are in solo frat party cups filled with roots organix soil. i have two 23 watt 6500 kelvin cfls on them and a desk fan blowing on them. it is very dry here as the temps are in the single digits(plus and minus). the temp in their temporary home is about 72 though. watering as needed with water that has been setting out to dechlorinate for a few days. the replacement BeP has not sprouted yet...

going to put the tent together today for their permanent home...

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here are the families most recent pics. they are some short buggers. unfortunately it looks like i will only get one shot at a buckeye purple this go 'round. one seed grew downward and the replacement disappeared in the soil. too late i think to try to pop another at this point. hoping the one BeP i did pop is a lady...

still need to set up my tent. been busy with work and my sons are busy too. hopefully today or tomorrow...

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