Drfting07's Compost Bin

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Don't panic it's Organic!
Apr 2, 2006
Reaction score
Been constructing a compost bin. These are my step by step pictures. Ill add more pics and answer any questions along the way.

Compost Bin measures 6ft wide, 3 feet deep and 4 feet high. Started with 2 pallets, then added walls and door with 2x4 and fence posts. All that needs to be done now is wrap it in chicken wire, and add a roof with hinges to keep nutrients from being leeched out into the soil. ENJOY!
That's a nice build right there. I made one this summer, but just slapped 3 pallets together with L brackets. I was looking to expand next year possibly, and something like this might be the answer, thanks for posting this up Drifting...show some pics when you get it wrapped and get the door on.
will do guys. Camera wont charge right now tho :(
So how'd it work out drfting07?
Started adding stuff to it for the last couple weeks from grass clippings and raked leaves. I havent even filled it halfway yet but it has started breaking down. Hoping it will be quality compost by next spring. Have plenty more room and plenty more to put on it.
The more you turn over your pile the faster it starts breaking down. Should be be good compost by Spring with no problem if you turn it over
Thanks for the tip pcduck. I took all the compost out of the bin, turned it over multiple times while applying water, then put it back in the bin. The next day the pile was giving off some serious heat.

Im well on my way

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