day one -ok ive said this many times before

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Those are some gorgeous ladies. Nice work so far. I can't wait to see some harvest pics. Going to be some beauties. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe.
got my canna boost just gonna change reservoir completely and add boost along with my usual nutes.


2 weeks to go then they come down.

parkingjoe said:
got my canna boost just gonna change reservoir completely and add boost along with my usual nutes.


2 weeks to go then they come down.

Great job PJ. How big is the amazon with the 16 plants? 2' by 2' ? Bigger? Thanks :p
hi tng

Amazon 16 but all amazon are the same dimentions just the lid offers different amounts of holes most people btw only do 4-8 plants per amazon but i like to try new things with no vegging period.



800mm x 750mm x 460mm
31.5” x 29.5” x 18”

Tank Volume:
50 Litres
erm now you have sussed me out timmy:rolleyes:

it should be changed completely once a week and old nutes in tank disposed of but as im a lazy bugger i tend to top up instead with a weaker mix which isnt a good thing to do as the cf may then read as correct but all the different elements which make up your nutes may have been used in different proportions by the plants so in actual fact the readout showing correct cf will be without any doubt be completely wrong.:eek: :hubba:

so not often enough is the answer.:(

this is probably why my cf went up from 23 cf this morning to just checked and cf 28 so watered down with 10 litres of plain water cf now reading 21 which will be wrong.:eek:

so heres an update.

10 days until they get chopped.

LOL, hay when you have so much going on its hard....
ok ive ditched the res and refilled with the following after a complete clean.

30 litres water to which ive added the following

canna a and b flores/flower nutes 70ml of each
canna boost 100ml
advanced nutrients overdrive 75ml
advanced nutrients carboload 30ml
dutch master max flower 30ml

and i just couldnt resist giving the canna pk 13/14 another blast 45ml added

cf 16 and ph 5.6

also added another 6" vent into the wall as the rh was around the 56% mark which i really dont want at this stage along with temps being 74f.this is lights on too.

lookin great pkj, i had to take the laptop out and show your pics to my girls to give em some inspiration. i know they sure inspired me...i love this type of growing. all grade A+, no midgrade airbuds at the bottom. you've helped me more than you'll know...thanks!
Looking great as always PJ. Looks like your not far away from another nice harvest. What ya got planned for next round? :hubba:

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