Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I quit smoking cigarettes the day my divorce was final. We were in Court all day and when it was over I sat down and made a list of things that were important for the boys, since I had residential custody of them. It seemed that the #1 thing was a Dad that was alive and that could breath. Easy decision. Can't be anywhere around cigarettes any more. My lungs start to constrict.
I started smoking regularly when I joined the army back in 1973 -- They were cheap and even when I reenlisted in 1980 a carton (box of 10 packs) cost $3 at the post commissary -- Back then they weren't even considered a health risk ! -- Now they sell for $5-6 a pack at the store !-- Now we know they cause cancer and respiratory problems !-- Back when I was scrubbing for surgery when we was doing lung operations the doctor would ask if anyone smoked ?-- Everyone pointed at me !-- He start showing me that Black lung stuff and tumors-- Make me hold the lung for him and stuff ! -- Get me so upset I'd have to go outside for a cigarette !
I think they are more like 10 bucks a pack here. I did love an american spirit, but like umbra, i wanted to live. That was a heck of a day to quit. good for you.

It is a beautiful day here.
All them people pointing they finger at me in the O.R. back then ?-- They sure wouldn't have wanted to talk about weed !-- I mighta been selling some weed to a few and getting my weed from another who didn't want anyone to know !-- Lots of medical people use weed !-- I was kinda confused when they started talking about medical marijuana -- I thought they was talking about weed moving in da hospital !-- I ran across some acceptable "Medical Marijuana " -- Back in the day !-- At least that's what the staff said !
Last time I bought a pack of smokes they were 14 bucks
The big new money making thing now days is e-cig liquid !-- I had never had a smokers cough until I quit smoking and started on an e-cig !-- They make it out of only 2 different kinds of bases and some are mixed !-- I started on e-cig liquid made from the PG base (propylene glycol)-- I quit using it and the cough went away-- My next attempt I tried the VG ( vegetable glycerin) base -- That was the ticket for me !- No cough and I got my nicotine !-- Anyway the -e-cig liquid I use now is top end and cost about $25 for a 30 mil bottle when I buy 6 or so !-- I use maybe 3-4 mils a day tops !-- Probably closer to 2 !--
I got a gallon of food grade vegetable glycerin in the cabinet that I paid may $20 for ?-- and I have made my own e-cig juice !-- Got the strength right but I used cigar tobacco and the taste turned me off !-- A pack of that Bugler tobacco would probably make half dozen 30 mil bottles !-- Just boil the tobacco strain and reduce and use that as the nicotine additive !-- Probably work some more on a formula with that Bugler!-- Got close enough with the cigars to know I can do it !-- but anyone who ever smoked knows how it is about what brand they smoke ?-- It's hard switching brands !
4/20 eve-- hope you all left some cookies out for Snoop & Willie! Have a very happy 4/20!
Good morning OFC ?
Hi D.D. hope that you are doing well,long time no see....
Thought that I would get a head start on the 4-20 celebration .......:48:.......
good morning everyone,,,,happy 420 ,,,,i picked the wrong time to quit smoking ,,,gonna go dry for about a month ,,,been dry for about 24 hours ,,,,enjoy your day guys
Morning O.F.C. !-- Happy 420 it is !-- Green Santa came by yesterday and I didn't even know it !--
I don't know what "79- Xmas Bud IBL"--is but I'll be finding out !-- and Giggy sent me some seed back that are precious to me cause I know what they are cause I sent them to him !-- I crossed Bohdi's Tranquil Elephantizer with Umbra's B.B.King and somehow ended up with only one plant from that cross and no more seed !-- It was a girl !-- My Blue T.E. -- She an unusual blueberry with a peppery finish !-- Now maybe I can f-2 and preserve the strain !--
Back to 420 !-- Ain't none of us free till we all free !-- One day I be free from the threat of jail for growing medicine !-- So no parades or public display of anything 420 from me !-- They still hunt us here !
I got a second 420 surprise !--
Umbra -one of the 4 seed I started that U had marked "Let the Good times Roll" -- did germ and that baby is in aero !-- I'll have to go back and find out what U said it's pedigree was !-- All I remember is something about a "Devil's Tit" !
Here's to all the people who pioneered in this amazing medicine.

Even tho the feds say it has no use medically, we see that it has improved the lives of SO many and to me, there's nothing more valuable than a natural medicine that has the potential of relieving and even stopping seizures in our children and pets along with so many other ailments.
For those who have stood in defiance of laws to do what's right, I salute you and wish you the BEST 420 day ever!
WOOHOOO 4/20 ya'll! Gloman, i didn't get your pm, will you send it again please?

What we gonna do to celebrate? i have my first joint of the day rolled. Join me please you peeps.

Very nice post gloman. Rick Simpson comes to mind. Lots of brave folks. Thank you.

Cane, how is rosie?
Good Morning and happy 4/20. That's for Adolf Hitler's birthday right? No that's not it. Anniversary for the Columbine shootings? No that's not it. Must be for smoking weed, lol.
I would say 420 means "How high can U get ?" -- but after that double dose of caps yesterday I'm just get a little bit high today !-- O.K. so I'm already a little high !-- Got the trash and recycling out to the street before they ran today so I'm being all sorts of productive !-- Time to celebrate !-- More coffee and see if I can find the bottom of this pipe !-- Holds way too much weed !-- I need a smaller glass pipe !--
Rose, I believe that Rosie is going to make it. We are leaning towards the fact that she maybe brooding she has been picking her feathers and putting them in her nest..So no more hot baths:)as soon as the other chickens are done laying I throw her out of the coop and close the door..Hopefully she will come around,all she wants is some baby's..
Puffin all day ......:48......
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