Cannabis And Astral Side (energy) Question

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Nov 27, 2014
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When you smoke cannabis you can feel your energy. And do few things when you are high.

You can do those things when you awake but its little difficult.

I realized these things several months ago. But i cant do the other peoples do with energy.

Its some kind of secret topic nobody talks about it when i asked.

Im suprized when i learned energy animals and you can posses them and use them.

Any body know about these things. In my country some jargon for that but i didnt translate for complications.

Sorry for my language. Thank you
a long LONG time ago maybe, way way to old and seasoned to feel that stuff any more
You know, maybe I am too old, too, but I did not understand one bit of what you said or what it means...

However this statement: "When you smoke cannabis you can feel your energy. And do few things when you are high." is entirely false. You may not be able to do things when you are high, but I can, I can accomplish a lot.

Are you new to smoking cannabis?
No im using it for 3-4 years.
Its not about feeling things or marijuana. But marijuana users around me know better these things than other peoples. Its not about when im high.

There is a thing about energy. You can do it when you are awake. But you can see and understand more if you are high. So i think maybe smokers know better and opened a topic here
Sorry, but I still do not understand what you are trying to say....
Some drugs relaxes you so much that relaxation opens your 3d eye so you can see some kind of energy. You can do it when you didnt use anything but users around me know better these things than other people. Thats why i opened this topic here.

I am asking do you know these things about energy?
The only energy I feel is the energy to do stuff when I smoke certain strains , other strains take my energy away and make me lay around and do nothing. No 3rd eye gets opened for me, but sometimes my head feels like it is in a bowl of jello.
I'm thinking that you are talking of consciousness or awareness--something that really has nothing at all to do with drugs. Buddhist, Hindu ideas and neither one of these religions/philosophies are much into drugs. If that is what you are speaking about, then NO, I do not believe marijuana aids in this kind of thing. It is about being aware and not being "out of it".
Yes its about awareness. People who know they can do things without using anything. But when i use something i feel and see more.
I think I know what you are talking about. Healers for instance that can see peoples energy and a lot more. I don't see energies, but I am far too sensitive for my own good.. Negative people drag all my energy. You can tell people that have good energy about them, like THG, for instance.
Yes its about awareness. People who know they can do things without using anything. But when i use something i feel and see more.

I'm an energy worker. What your think you are seeing or feeling is not what healers feel. You are trying to take a short cut to the place you are trying to get to... Seeing through the 3rd eye, can't be accomplished by using substance... You must learn to travel from your mind to your heart, specifically the small space of the heart... Do an internet search on "Drunvalo Melchizedek" He runs a world-wide school concerning what I believe you are searching for. You can can PM me if you'd like to talk privately.
I agree that you cannot shortcut this with drugs. A lot of people meditate to achieve this state. As opposed to UpstairsRichie, I think this comes from our mind. The mind has amazing capabilities that we are just starting to understand. The heart to me is just an internal organ, essential to our survival like most of our internal organs. The mind though....what an unexplored and unknown thing it is!
We both agree on one thing... you can't shortcut hard work. ;)
Living in your heart is like having sex...
Can't explain it, have to experience it. ;)

I had some nice exchanges with JWK, biggest problem is our language barrier. I hope JWK is headed in the right direction.
Interesting, I think of heart and soul. The essence of a person. There is the biological heart that beats and keeps us alive but there is the heart of who you are. It isn't in my brain it is in my heart. I think I see everything through my heart... Damn liberal bleeding heart...see heart. THG, you are very smart, your brain must be what you use to see.
Meditation is all brain to me and controlling your thoughts... and not intuitive.
I do not believe in a soul like most people do, but I do believe that we have an energy that is entirely ours, an essence. LOL--And tending to be somewhat literal (like Temperance Brennan on Bones), the heart is an organ that pumps blood. I do have more of a Buddhist bend and find their philosophies most in line with my thinking. I am one of those damn liberal bleeding hearts though.....

Actually to me mediation is not controlling your thoughts, but the absence of thought. It certainly is not intuitive, but I do believe that it helps people to find this "inner-self".
Next time you smoke with someone,put a glass of water on the table then after 45-60 minutes when you start smoking, in a quiet and energic way just think about your friend is gonna drink that water and want it from inside of you. Say nothing to him/her about water.
Just think about it and want him/her to drink it.

He/She will drink that water. I'm talk about that situation that kind of energy not universal energies.
I'm talking about mutual effects between humans.

It happened to me a lot of times. I wanted him to open a music he opened a music, i wanted him to drink him water he drank water. I tried it different peoples, i didnt say anything about what i want, just thought about it and it happened a lot of times.

I think some of you know what im talking about.

I hope i did explain myself this time. Sorry for my English.
Yeah i understand that joke and actually laugh:D I think you understand what im trying to say.
Could you help me?
Yes, smoking gives you the glicks.

I understand what you are trying to say....I just don't really agree. This energy is not about controlling other people--it is about YOU!

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