1' x 2' Micro Grow Box

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yup go safe. if you wanted to be extra safe you could put a thin 1/2 inch bit of fiberglass between the Metal and the wood on top or where ever it gets hot.

FYI a good cheap place to get shinny, thin, stainless is a scrap metal recycler. They would far rather sell to you than ship it to China for processing.
oops I didnt realize this post went on 4 pages past where I was reading. Anyways this stuff looks great!
Hey all,

I'm finally done with the move :woohoo: . I gave the ladies the axe a few weeks ago. All my stuff was in boxes so I wasn't able to get pics. I didn't get to weigh it either but I'm sure it was around 1.5 oz.

I don't have anywhere to put my micro boxes so I may just donate them and start something else. I'm still thinkin about it.

Man this is an incredible grow setup you got here, very professional! A++ i'm in awe with admiration and epathy!
Hey thanks akirahz!! I like to build my grows NASA status. ;)

It's a shame it dosen't go with my new place. I put a lot of time into it.:eek:
Haze - Sad to have missed out on the pics of the grow and harvest. Put your mind to it and get some beans going. We've got lot's of catching up to do........

i love micro grows (name lol), this was the first i seen on the net. good job in getting 1.5oz HW, i hope i can reach that someday :)
just read over your grow HW and man that was pretty sweet, wish i could get mine going this well :)
Hey all.......

It was a sad day in hazeworld the other day. I dismantled the boxes so I could use the parts for a new project. YEP!! Stripted them clean and threw the boxes in the dumpster.... :eek:

Not all is lost though........ keep your eyes out........ I got "BIG" plans for the furture :cool:

Good to see this thread is still usefull to some! :)
There ya are....now bust out the 1kw ;)
That's funny Mutt. I haven't used the 1kw since 2001 or so, but yeah, you got the idea ;)
okay i have some questions
can i get a mesure picture so i can get an idea of how big she is (the oldest one) and what are you using for soil???

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