First Grow!

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HAHA thank you puffin wow i really need to read over my typing :) you know I have been looking into that . I think I can get a better deal for a 1000w but if its not that much of a difference in price i will go with the duel 600.
Sounds like an awsome choice, getting a grow tent. Hamster here can tell you many a great things about them. It will be a sound investment. That 1000 watt is going to be bright, don't stare at it for too long when it is running ;).
Ok they are 2 days into week 3 of flowering and they are looking good. here are some pics that were just taken :bong2:





sumwhiteguy said:
thats true i had this cabnet in the garage so i pulled it out and cleaned it real good. yeah the cabnet closes and has mylar on all 4 sides. I will put a small fan in there to get the air moving. I was also thinking of rigging up dryer ventilation to blow air right on the HPS bulb to keep it cool. will that help with the over all temp? From what i have read they ladies can survive in a range of temperatures but what is the highest it should be before you are in trouble? is it the cooler the better for the ladies?

hello there. I had problems with controlling temp on recent grow my top temp through day was 111.7 and that dropped to 56.8 on a night when lights went off that to me is a massive differance and i still got 30oz off 6 plants. that with 4 week on 18/6 and 8 week on 12/12.
ya i told they would get a lot bigger haha. they are growing like a mo fo. i think you might be having a smell problem? if so, take your carbon filter and have that venting directly out. it not working its best if you have it just running in the cabinet.
dinkiefeet - yeah I made a cool tube and i havent had a problem with temps sence. the average temp is 75/ lights on and 65/ lights off

sumguy - I took the carbon filter and hooked it up straight out of the box and I dont have a smell problem.... yet. still have 4 weeks or so to go.
Looming good Bro...keep up the good shld get some nice smoke off of them...
thanks hamster!! i hope soo!!! they are looking so nice its really getting hard to wait!! :)
sumwhiteguy said:
thanks hamster!! i hope soo!!! they are looking so nice its really getting hard to wait!! :)

Well the waiting only gets harder the closer you get....I try not to sample until they are almost done (trichs all cloudy)...sometimes it's tough though...hang in there. It will be worth the wait...:)
ok just started week 4 of flowering. i took some pics with the light off so you can see the buds. starting to get sticky :)







Nice whiteguy !

Your jungle is coming along nicely......keep up the good farming :farm:
great grow mr griffin. how is lt shiney sides been? i have nothing to say about your grow, xcept....take some fishing line, tie it to about 2/3rds of the top of your colas, and drill a hole into the lip of your buckets, then run the line through the hole....slowely pull the string through the hole in the bucket, watching the stem bend just over 90 degrees, then tie off. this will almost double your yield!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. i know from my own grows. it seems silly, and maybe hurtful, but it allows light to really penetrate the lower buds and they will grow just as large as the ones on the top.
this is your grow, but if you take this advice you will continue to do so in future grows. its just "low stress training", and can be done in up to the middle weeks of flowering. dont worry about the fishing line, or thin string "cutting" into the stem. plants at this age wont flinch at a something so petty.
you have done a great job so far, just thought i would throw my 2 cents in............Loola
its ok Lt Shiney sides.....its ok!!! :) lol thanks I am going to try LST on my next grow. if i have room in my cabnet i will do it for sure!! I am only going to grow 2 next time and LST them to produce a ton!
i dont think i have room with the widow. they are cramped in the cabnet as it is

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