Making cannabutter

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Very grouchy and ornery today…
May 12, 2014
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anyone have a good way to maximize squeezing the canna-oil out of the the leaf mass? in the past, it seems like the coconut oil wants to stay in the mass and the water drains off easily. thanks...
Hey of, i haven't made any in years, but doesn't it just separate? And are you using lecithin? Sorry not much help, but hi anyway.
thanks rose. it does separate but i have found that the oil seems to like to cling to the leaf mass. i usually strain it thru a piece of cheese cloth or an old tee shirt. i squeeze the heck out of it. but the water seems like it comes out easier than the oil. and it gets kind of hot or maybe i am too impatient to wait for it to cool enough. i was just wondering if anyone on here had some brilliant way of putting the squeeze on the leaf mass to extract as much of the goodness out at possible. I have been decanting and reheating it and re-squeezing it in the past and probably will continue to do so.

and high back at you. waiting for my cbd crew nordle and my satori to dry/cure. looking forward to checking them out...
OF, I'd get ahold of a potato ricer. That may have the strength to squeeze every last drop of goodness from your cheesecloth. In a pinch I've also used a lemon squeezer, but he potato ricer has a bigger capacity. Hope that helps.
Thanks Dan. I will have to look into that.
I looked up potato ricer. That looks like exactly what I need. Awesome. Thanks. I will let you know how it works.
Make sure you get a real real strong one. I bought a ricer and it wasn't strong enough and I bent the crap out of it.
i finally broke down and bought a potato ricer and it works great. Maybe too great. i have more cannabutter by weight than oil that i used to make it. started with 720 grams of coconut oil. have 800 grams of butter. and it isn't filled with bits of weed. thanks dan and hacker.
OF, I inherited mine, my Dads second wife died and while moving all their/ now his shit that’s when I got his. I think it’s actually a manual juicer, that will also work as a potato ricer. No Dad isn’t a grower, but had used MJ for help sleeping though. I should have posted the pic earlier, don’t know why I didn’t. o_O

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