Indoor-Outdoor Desert Grow

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Well momma,you did better than I did my first time around.Shoot my first 2 times,all I did was figure out how to burn leaves and produce spidermites!Great job,more cash 4 you(not cause ur sellin,cause your not buyin)
Thanks for the support and encouragement, guys! I really appreciate that. I learned so much during this first grow. I just don't know how they went hermie without my noticing it earlier. Like you said, 4U2sm0ke, too many plants to do them justice, though I sure tried. I spent several hours every day going over every single plant with my loupe, removing pests, analyzing problem leaves, studying to find out how to find the best nute mixture for the different strains, learning LST, etc. They were certainly some beautiful plants, with such profuse leaves, short internodal space--a lot of things went right, as well as wrong.

It was not in vain--it was all good information for me. And yes, of course I'll destroy all the seeds--I wouldn't dream of using them, nor pawning them off on anyone else.

Since they are all so close to harvest now, I'll see them through, and perhaps somewhere between all the seeds I'll find enough to get a few grams of smoke. It can't be any worse than what I can buy here--at outrageous prices ($960 oz, $120 8th).

And, maybe next time I'll do a little better! I'll try by starting with some good seedbank seeds this time.
Real sorry about the Hermie situation...all 18...that's a real kick in the ***. I hope you still get some good smoke and like you said, get some good genetics from a reputable seedbank and gve it another try. Just chalk this one up to a valuable learning experience...
Hermie or not you got free bud out of it along with a good expierence :) Next year will be better and if you have any questions or anything throw me a pm :bong1:
Fantastic journal Mmomma :D under 'less than ideal' conditions ;), and first attempt, you did well.
Your tenacity to learn and succeed persevered!! congratulation are in order...:aok:
hey MojaveM, i'm very sorry to read that all of your endeavors went awry. if its any consolation, i had my troubles with hermies. i hope for the best of luck in your next batch of crops. (which i wont think you'd be needing it, b/c you know so much now)
I agree on Congratulations are in order. Looking at your bud, I think you did great for a first grow. My first grow was a revedging nightmare (I dont think six plants yeilded three oz), tho the revedge nightmare brought me to this fine Forum with questions. I am on my third serious grow and am still having problems. Hermi plants being the foremost (I am watching my hermi tendency Flo like a hawk and have considered assasinating her and her clones just for GP) and confused Girls being the least (they are in preflower five weeks early, so I have another revedge season to look forward to). Also I am gone some of the time, and not able to keep as good an eye on them as I would like.

In edit...I forgot to mention, I HATED the taste of the dark purple pot I grew last year, so much that I wont smoke it and dont even like to smell it. Okay, I admit it now, shhhhh only here, dont tell anyone. And the light purple was such an up high...well you just couldnt get the "good nights sleep" I want from my pot.

Do you remember a time before sinsimilla pot? The time of the shoe box lid and the papers culling out seeds? Your Pot will be Better by ten x ten times then that reefer. It will be good smoke. You can also save the green leaves and make some canna butter out of it (if you can stand the smell as it cooks).

Your idea of a total indoor grow sounds good. And a rotating crop is also an idea, that way you will always have some to smoke and it is fresh. I like my smoke fresh after a six week cure, I have found out.

I look forward to your next Grow and reading Your next Journal.

I think you did great!
Hey MM its HTNG420 from the bay, looken for all the Dirty Dozen members, espically 4u2 i know hes underneath another name, if you could help me get back in touch w/ them my account got delted here when they had sever problems

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