White Widow, MKage, Delahaze

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Ok.....thanks for ur much appreciated input pcduck.....what I have been doing is running my drippers for 2 minutes, which really doesn't even allow enough water to run through to my saucers.....last night I ran them for 5 minutes to empty the 1. Gallon nute jug and water barely collected in my saucers so here's what I am going to do....do u agree? I will water for 5 minutes every other day, this will also put me to feeding 2xs a week!
Would it be beneficial/worth it to use cfl grow bulbs as supplemental lighting around the middle/bottom of my girls?
I always allow for a dry period. The amount of time to reach this dry period is dependent on your size of plants, temps,ete,ete. When small my take 2-3 to 7 days, when larger and in full bloom may take it 1 day. This is all dependent on temps, container size,ete,ete.

I use teas and feed about once every 2 weeks. But it depends on your container size.

I do not use supplemental lighting. To me the work involved to keep the cfls close enough to be beneficial is not worth it.
I'm am growing in 10" plastic pots....I noticed today that the roots have reached the holes in the bottom....should I transplant or is this fine? I also just hooked the filter up b/c the stinch was starting to kick! I will see how long it takes for the holes to dry up, then I will water again.....probably 24hrs! You feed every 2 weeks.....is 1x a week too much? I'm going to use the fox farm trio pack for nutes!
My girls loved the 2 tsp each is grow big and big bloom! The runt of the bunch has even perked up and started growing again. I watered for 5min with a 1 gph dripper and my pots were completely dry in 24hrs so I watered at midnight, then midnight the following day with reg tap water. I will watch and see how my girls continue to react but I may feed every other watering like the fox farm site says....I can really tell they liked the nutes tho! I will post a few pics later.....take it ez guys...smoke good
nvus420 said:
My girls loved the 2 tsp each is grow big and big bloom! The runt of the bunch has even perked up and started growing again. I watered for 5min with a 1 gph dripper and my pots were completely dry in 24hrs so I watered at midnight, then midnight the following day with reg tap water. I will watch and see how my girls continue to react but I may feed every other watering like the fox farm site says....I can really tell they liked the nutes tho! I will post a few pics later.....take it ez guys...smoke good
I would def transplant out of those 10" pots by now...in my experience they will start drying out too fast and then become root-bound. 3-5 gallon pots should finish them out nicely.
What's up guy? Well all the girls loved their 1st feeding....4 days have passed so I'm guessing 2 tsp each wasn't too much......I will be transplanting out of my 10" plastic pots tonight....I bought 5 gallon aurora root pots to transplant into....I also bought a bag of fox farm happy frog soil to add to my plants to fill the root pot. I did not want to use ocean forest soil bc it has nutrients that feed for 1 month....happy frog has micronutrients for root development and nutrient uptake......just what I need! Everything is looking superb, the lst is working great for me...nice bushy plants, the undergrowth is getting taller than my main head.....
Just an update on everything!

Smoke good guys
Whats up guys? I transplanted into 5gal aurora root pots last night. I will be putting in the hortilux eye 400 tom night along with another round of nutes, that will be 5 days since the last feeding.....

Here is some eye candy!!!!


I'm growing some widow and at day 22 I have 5 leaf sets yours really took off in the beginning I do see a touch of calmag deficiency unless its shadow. The viens are striped if your not phing your water could lead to lock out big bloom makes my distilled water pH at above 7 so I use advanced nutes pH down to correct. A cheap pH kit does wonders your doing great otherwise.keep it up

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