Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I hope we hear that Harley did O.K. soon !-- I never met him but Dam! -- We all dog people up in here !-- If I was Nick I would be all worried too !-- It's great to be all independent and stuff but then when there's nothing U can do but count on others like that doggie surgeon --it ain't easy !

Nick keep us posted !
Yes Nick, lets us know how he is doing when you get a chance. My son finally gets it. He said why didn't you tell me you were sick ... I told him, I've been telling you for the last 4 years. The dr had a heart to heart with him about my future. 4 years too late in my opinion.
oh geez, Umbra do you have an inhaler now? I would have been really mad if you died. Please be careful? Can you be more careful? I am glad you are kinda ok. It is hard to rest with that much pred, but i hope you are resting today.

Harley is in my thoughts. I had a vet ophthalmologist do surgery on one of our poodles eyes. She was supposed to have both done, juvenile cataracts. Took the vet 4 hours for one eye, she never had the other one done. But she could see with one eye for ever.. I hpe harley is good. We love our pets so much.

Keef let me know about that bubba. sure is pretty.
I hope you get to feeling better soon umbra. It's a damn shame that in this century and in this country, we don't have health care for everyone. It seems that it's only for the wealthy and the governing class...

Get well umbra and Harley...!
Will do Rose !- She has fought me from the start !-- I still haven't had a proper run !-- Had enough to know she nice as PH --Different but just as good as PH or NL !-- I need a run where nothing goes wrong !-- I think can do her better than I have !-- They said that BBSL male "bring the fire " -Bring it !-- - PH and NL don't really need any help but we gonna see if he brought the fire cause I got babies from both !-- I might as well bloom Waldo again and let him get to the girls he missed first time !-- It don't freeze around here so in winter when no one suspects anything I stick a male outside to bloom !-- He don't have to be massive to get pollen !--
1st -- Umbra's "Plush Berry -x-Strawberry Desiel " -- She has no hint of Strawberry fresh dried !-- A month in a jar and it smells like a jar of fresh strawberries !-- She in a grow off with her daughter right now !

2nd -- The grow coming back together !-- These still have 4 weeks to finish !

3rd -- SR 91 -- That's all I know about her except I think she kinda indica heavy !-- Not a problem !

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oh geez, Umbra do you have an inhaler now? I would have been really mad if you died. Please be careful? Can you be more careful? I am glad you are kinda ok. It is hard to rest with that much pred, but i hope you are resting today.

Harley is in my thoughts. I had a vet ophthalmologist do surgery on one of our poodles eyes. She was supposed to have both done, juvenile cataracts. Took the vet 4 hours for one eye, she never had the other one done. But she could see with one eye for ever.. I hpe harley is good. We love our pets so much.

Keef let me know about that bubba. sure is pretty.
Yes Rose, I have a couple of scripts. That much pred made all the difference, in my opinion. While doing the nebulizer treatment, I fell asleep. I got some sleep when I got home. My big scare was my heart racing because of the swallow breathing. 20 min after the pred, heart rate and blood pressure came down and stabilized. The weight of the world was on my chest last night, now it is only an elephant, lol.
If we gonna go off on medicine !- I think the most gifted should be trained as doctors not just those whose parents can find a way to send them to school !-- I used to have to assist a vascular surgeon who wouldn't have even made a good plumber !-- ( No offense THG !) -- I mean leaky pipes are not acceptable in either case ! -- He kick me out the room a couple times !-- I asked him if he was gonna sew that up or just let it bleed ? -- We did not get along !
I wish I could say it was because I was such a good farmer Umbra but I'm not !-- I put this stuff in RO water and keep my boxes full and the frost comes from the LEDs -- U can shoot me now I said it ! -- There's many ways to the Dank and I found one !-- Growing the way I do is very easy !
Umbra I'm sexing one of your Temple -x- BPU -- 3 boys in a row !-- I think I got my girl this time !-- There's no hair yet but I'm pretty sure !-- Might know for sure tomorrow! - Then if she got even a hint of hermie in her I'll put her under enough stress that it'll show !

Edit : -- One day soon I promise to pH again! -- If I can ever find that meter ?-- I haven't checked pH in cycles !-- Simple rule is if the plants don't look right !-- Empty the box and start with fresh nute water -- Something wrong with a single plant in a box --Remove and trash it just in case !-- If nothing wrong with the plants why I want to run around doing pH all the time ?
Onliest thing is if that frost ain't in the genetics ? -- It ain't coming out unless U Jesus or something !
Hey folks. It warms my heart to hear all the sympathy and well wishes from my friends here at MP. The surgery went well, Harley is resting. They were going to allow me to take him home but in a moment of weakness I decided to let them keep him overnight. Now the waiting begins. They are sending the tumor out for biopsy and we will get the results back in a few days. I am now second guessing my decision to let them keep him. I know it was for the best but he has not been away from me overnight since I was in the hospital 3 years ago. I hope the pain meds he is on keep him pretty well knocked out until tomorrow.
St Nick, they will keep him sedated and comfortable I bet. we need to start him on some meds.

Keef, i have never seen that in my little northern girl life. I would taste it.
Nick how did I miss that post ? -Good deal about Harley !-- I musta been typing when U posted !-- Good deal !-- Like Rose said he be mostly knocked out tonight and that's a good thing and if anything goes wrong someone will be keeping an eye on him !
Tom Petty is brain dead and expected to die later today !-- RIP Tom !

Yeah that’s sad, he was one of the most consistent of old rockers. Even years into his career. I got to see him a couple of times over the years.
Then I'm sure U don't have this either Rose !- Not my favorite brand but we need to make an order from the Bayou soon anyway and get some pounds of frozen picked and cleaned crawfish tails and stuff like Tasso !--
That Boudin Rose is like a Cajun rice and pork dressing stuffed into a sausage casing !

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