Lil help please??

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Looks like they are starting to grow out of the bleaching. How far did ya end up raising the L.E.D.?
I raised it up to about 20 inches more or less. I'm going to take some more pics. later today and do a comparison. They seem to be looking better, but the growth is very slow right now. I also turned on the bloom switch. I don't know if that will help or not. Can't hurt I don't think. Thanks for checking in AM. :)
Hey PP, do you have the same light as me? If so, just use the veg light for vegging and both for blooming. Some plants see that red spectrum and try to flower... we don't want children flowering... Greenest of mojo to you.
Thanks Rose, I was thinking about that at the doctors office. I had plenty of time to think since it was a good hour past my appointment time. Here are some pics. I'm not sure if they look any better. To me they look awful. But I think there is some green coming back in the smaller leaves on a couple of them. We'll see... I did feed the bigger ones and may have burnt the biggest one a little. Other than that, things are just peachy. lol :)

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Looks like they are slowly pulling out of this whatever it was.
I am doing such a horrible job with these. I think now it must have been the light was to close. That and me being afraid of over watering probably ended up under watering. Not sure these will pull through. They are not looking good. :(
Keep at it, MJ is very determined plant to grow. It will surprise you with its endurance and ability to come back from being damaged. I have had some in pretty sad shape to come back and finish well. So don't give up on them. Green grow mojo :)
water till it runs out the bottom of the pot and let dry till the soil feels dry when you stick your finger in the dirt. I think they might be ok.
Thanks for the words of encouragement guys. They do seem to be coming back slowly Hushpuppy. A little more green everyday. I did exactly that Rose. They look quite refreshed. The Nurse Larry and one of the Bourbon Street are looking like they will pull through, it's going to take some time though. Thanks for the help guys. Rose, if you want to, you can move this to the grow journal area and I'll just make it a how not to start with LED's. lol We'll see what happens, hopefully I'll get some decent smoke out of this along with some learning experience. :)
This is now a great grow journal. People will learn from this. green baby mojo.
I am doing such a horrible job with these. I think now it must have been the light was to close. That and me being afraid of over watering probably ended up under watering. Not sure these will pull through. They are not looking good. :(
Light stress goes away within a couple of days after moving up or dimming the light. I still think you had nute lock out.
Ok, so the light is 20 incches off of the big plant. Is it still burning her or is it something else? Kinda looks like she's getting burnt to me but I don't know for sure. PJAAAAAAAAA!!! lol What do you guys think???

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Light stress goes away within a couple of days after moving up or dimming the light. I still think you had nute lock out.

I realize that you dont know me and you have no idea if i know what im talking about or not. So im not really offended if you ignore this advice for the third time. You dont have light stress. You have several problems related to your roots being stressed. I have seen this before and have gotten out of it with a healthy plant. Flush and transplant....that is NOT light stress. I know light stress.
Do you know led lights?

PP, I think you and I both got a bad batch of seed starter mix.. It was fox farm light warrior, right? Mine sucked. It was rock hard and had to use a hose to get it wet enough, remember? Well, my clones are horrible in it. I say don't use that anymore. I don't know why it is so bad. I never have trouble like I have had in this stuff.
Yes... i have used leds. I actually light stressed my plants the first time using them because i had bad info about how far away the lights should be. The light stress presented in exactly the same way as hid...bleached tops that recovered almost immediately after backing off the light. I could be wrong, but i have had exactly the same problem as the op's plants...when i flushed and transplanted into different soil they made a full recovery. Im no expert here either but i have had both issues, and can recognize them fairly easily.
I have not witnessed this, but have "heard" the the bleaching from led never goes away.

I question PP flushing, as I don' think he has been in anything with nutes yet until now.

They will come out of it... I just know it. I think he just now went into FFOF.
I'm sorry Lesso, I'm not ignoring you. I did just put them in FFOF a couple days ago. I backed the light off a couple more inches this morning. It looks exactly like it did when the lights were too close. Rosebud, the little ones are still in the Light Warrior. They are looking better everyday, which is why I haven't done anything with them. The Nurse Larry and one of the Bourbon Street are doing the best of those. Pic. number 5 is the NL and 6 is the **. Lesso, I think your right about the root stress because their not growing like they should. Hopefully the new soil will get them going. Thanks guys for all the help. :)

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