Smart Pot vs Regular Pot....Larry OG

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Jan 24, 2009
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Okay well this run I had three Larry OG's going from clones of my was in hydro which I suck at, one was in a regular one gallon pot, and one in a one gallon smart pot... the one in dwc came down 3 weeks early when my air pump died and I didn't even notice for days till the roots rotted...I said I suck at

So that leaves us the other two which just came down at 64 days....and the smart pot wins hands down....I will be buying more of them and getting rid of the regular pots.

I purposely kept my lights out temps cold...hence the Purple this time. I think I will be growing this cut out when I am It is just too good not too....




"Smart Pot vs Regular Pot..."

....I wish my pot was smart. I'm sick of these report cards covered in C's and D's.
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Great results for 1 gal pots, Hammy! Thanks for sharing.
One of these days I am going to have to try one of these "kush" plants you West coast crazies keep talking about. Never grew one, never smoked one, never seen one.

bho_expertz said:
Are they ( the smart pots ) reusable HL ?

Yes....I just soak them real good in soapy water and then rinse them real good....they don't look good visually but they work fine.
Lookin great Hamster. I made the switch to the smart pots a little while back myself and haven't even thought about looking back. Considering that all you have to do is buy em and put dirt in em, smart pots are the most effective way to give a huge boost to your plants with the least effort.
I'm on the smart pot bandwagon as well, THANKS for sharing your results with us! I'm using the 10gal smarts right now, ut thinking I can likely down-size my pots if these work as well as I've been told.
I've used the 3 gallon and 5 gallon outside for pepper plants, haven't tried them for weed yet, but will with some autos this spring. For cleaning them I just dumped the used soil in my compost pile, set them in the sun to dry out, shook them real good then thru them in the washing machine.
What is this I hear of intelligent pots? Thanks to your pictures here on MP I will be doing some LarryOG this round. I will also be doing some J1 and GDP. This is my 3rd grow since its been legal here in Cali. Ive been learning as I go. First was disappointing, second was surprisingly nice, and, frankly, I'm hoping to be posting pics like yours in a few months from the third!

Could you give me your thoughts and experiences on the strain from a growing standpoint?

What is a Smart Pot and how is it different?

OK I googled it and found them. Can't afford to buy a lot of them now so I will purchase a couple and run them along side the free plastic buckets i Have been using. A little comparo! will post a grow journal once I'm up and running!

You used 1 gallon???!!!
I am leaning towards the 5 gal. I will be planting the clones and flowering at most 2 weeks later. Looking to fit 12 plants in 24sqft. Should I go smaller?
we bought a crap load of smart pots recently, and the only draw back i see is when watering them, you gotta have em in a big catch, cause fluid goes everywhere. it just pours out the sides making it very hard to soak the rootball. wouldnt be bad if it was just a few, and i didnt have to pull everything out to water individually. so this is a major drawback for me, as i run many plants togeather, and dont have the patience to pull it all out one at a time to care for if that makes sense.:eek: ...

do you sit your pots in a larger ('tub'?) and bottom feed? what could someone do with 50-60 in one grow? far too much work imo.

they are more of a pain in the back side than they are doing me good and are on hold at this time. i cant have a bunch of standing water here, so to me thier very unappealing for my indoor grows.

now outside may be different as i can run drip lines in a row of them. they may even end up being my veggie containers this summer.;)

we will make them work somewhere, just not in our indoor grows...

nice side by side hammy. rockin the og!
good comparison hamster. I've been running the gro pots basically the same thing as smart pots for a few grows now, and although I haven't done a side by side my plants seem to be thriving in them.

I do hear ya Irish on the mess they make though, definitely tougher to water than a regular nursery pot.
These smart pots,,can they be bought at Home Depot? I had never heard of them before,,untill now.
we bought a crap load of smart pots recently, and the only draw back i see is when watering them, you gotta have em in a big catch, cause fluid goes everywhere. it just pours out the sides making it very hard to soak the rootball.

Slower watering should stop this issue, I don't have this at all. I slowly dd the water, let it sip it in, then repeat as needed. A little water should come out to show saturation, but I have not had massive puddling of water seepage.
Im taking it that these Smart Pots were made for outside use. Thus the watering would not be a problem with being messy. Plus its my understanding that roots will grow out the bottom.
My pot attained a 4.0 with honors at yale -oh...- pre 98
i have used the three and five gallon size. I prefer the 5. I don't know how you grow in one gallon Hamster. I have a mom in the three gallon, but for my bud, has to be 5. I do have a catch under them as well. But I really soak my plants and not very often. I will use them exclusively.

Good comparison, thanks Hammy.
Next Soil grow I do Im gonna try the 5 gallon.

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