Droopy White Widow Cont.

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Hey Thanks LF
It's real easy to get lost around this place, with all of the great Journals and info around here I barely have time to do anything but try to learn as much as I can from a select few, I just keep reading...and reading....and reading, which is really hard to do with all of these great photos. Man their are just so many really talented people around here. This site is just so cool for anybody that needs to, or just wants to learn how to do this. I never cease to be amazed by the amount of detailed info that can be found here at MP.
LF I really appreciate your confirming what I have read over and over hear at MP. TRUST THOSE TRICS!!! Sounds easy until your looking at them waiting.....and waiting......!!!! It almost goes against every fiber of me to keep waiting. You could not have stoped by at a better time to confirm that I'm doing the right thing.
Thanks Again Legalize.......!!!!!
Peace and a Safe and Happy Holiday Season to All!!!!
WEW..... These girls are so lucky that they are still alive!!! I have tried to make every excuse possible to cut them.....then I look at the trics. Even then if I look at the trics too long I start seeing more amber than there really is. The really hard part is that there are some buds that are 30% amber which if I look at long enough, and do enough bong loads, I can convince myself that they are closer to 60%. I could be wrong but to top it off, it sure seems like they can change a bit. One day they will look a bit more amber and then the next they seem to be a little less amber than the day before??? Could be me just trying to make any excuse???
Over all I would say that they might be 15-20% amber??? At the same time I have a couple of plants that are still showing no amber and some buds that are still almost 50% clear??? Every time I start seriously thinking about putting the ax to them something happens that tells me to WAIT!!!
I am really looking for couch lock, take my pain away buds or some of these babies would be hanging.
I hope everone had a great holiday season!!!
Peace MBT
mbt, you aren't crazy. Our minds want to see amber so badly, we imagine more than there is. I chopped a plant that I swore had 15% amber. Reality showed only cloudy trichs once I got her hanging and I was trimming her up. It happens. We almost need an independent opinion before every chop.
Thanks 420B I hear you....man!!
It really helps to have someone else tell you to wait!
I was at a party this weekend where I smoked some imature bud that my buddy had just harvested. He said that he was sick about the fact that he did not wait longer. After hearing that I decieded to just really try to chill and let those trics decied for me.
I had to laugh when a few people in the group that I was smoking with asked about what the really good smoke was. I just told them that it was just some street smoke that I found. But it was actually some of MY SAMPLES!!! So far it seems to have raving reviews from everyone that has tested it. As long as I do not mess anything up this looks to be some really great smoke!!!
For Now....I'm waiting.....and waiting......and waiting!!! I keep comming really close to cutting one or two but I have decieded to continue to take and lable weekly samples instead. This Sat will be 10 weeks.
I will be cutting them all at the same time so I will wait to see what those trics look like then?????? I may even decied to give them another week by the looks of things now. I can't believe that I'm even saying that!!! 11 WEEKS???? But if I want what I'm looking for it looks like it may be needed???
I will be using this medication for pain so I need to wait as long as I can to get those ambers up to over 50%??? At least that's what I have been planning on. I know this....... it gets increasingly harder to wait.
They really don't look that much different and these pics under that HPS don't do them any justice. But I will try to post some better pics before and durring harvest.

Peace MBT
At this point I can't wait much longer. The 8 and 9 week samples are great and they have all stopped all but the slightest growth. I've been waiting on these trics for almost two weeks. I would really like to let them go one more week but due to a family member comming to stay I may have to end them this weekend???
I am really pleased with the quality of this bud so far and would highly recomend AMS White Widow to anyone.
My grow has not been w/o it's share of problems and I am sure that when I grow Nirvana's White Widow I should be able to improve on quite a few things to do a better job.
The first is worth mentioning to anyone growing in Subcools Soil Mix!!! LET THAT SOIL CURE! I had low PH problems through out most of this grow and I now no (from reading other Joulrnals at this site) that I did not allow enough time for the soil to balance the PH.
The second most important thing that I learned was how important it is to have an acurate PH tester. If you are using paper, drops or those cheap two pronged electronic testers....do yourself a favor and put them in next weeks garbage and order one of those CHEAP Milwualkie 600 digital meters that Hamster Lewis recomends.....Under 30 bucks. Takes a lickin and keeps on testing. The first one I bought was a better model Milwaulkie ($80-90) I droped it once in the first week I had it and it has not worked the same since.
I could have avoided most of my trouble if I would have done just these two things....first!!!!
I don't have a green thumb never have.......as a mater of fact I killed almost every house plant that I had durring this grow testing nutrients on them. LOL
The single most important bit of advice that I would offer anyone wanting to grow weed for the first time is simple. SPEND AS MUCH TIME READING AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AT THIS SITE FIRST!!!!
If I can do this so can you!!! Sure there are going to be some hurdles but this is well worth the trouble. THIS GROW WAS 100% LEGAL BY OREGON STATE LAW. Anyone that reads this that is thinking about doing this SHOULD!!! JUST DO IT!!!! I highly recomend this to anyone still paying for weed!!!! This is finnally enough weed for me to finnally get off pain medictions that have almost killed me in the past few years.
There are many people out there that use weed as legitimate medication if you have extra find a few and please share with them.
Many thanks to all at this site for helping me to grow my own meds.
These could be your buds in about four months!!!!!
Peace MBT
Lets see here Pics 1-8 are of a 9 week sample that I took. It's still curring but I took it down for a little photo shoot.
Sorry I'm no photographer so I just took a bunch of pics to see how they come out. Pics 10-12 are my little garden of WW. I know....more yellow pics.
The tallest buds topped out at 46" off the soil and have been loosing leafs like crazy for the past few weeks. Most plants have lost about half of their leaf, most over the past couple of weeks. There are very few green leafs left and most of the leaf is yellow. Even the bud leafs are yellow? Could be somewhat normal but I think that it is more than likely from low PH???
At this point the 8 week sample are just as good as the 9 week samples. I started seeing amber trics at week 7 but some seemed to have almost stayed the same since. It seems like most growth came to a halt at about week 7ish. They did seem to put on a little weight over the past couple of weeks but it's hard to say how much.
Other than a lot of leaf turning yellow then falling off, and the hairs turning from white to orange, they have stayed pretty much the same for the past two weeks, as far as I can tell. I do have one plant that might have 30% amber trics but it seems to change from day to day.
I did pluck a hermie at around week 7 but I have not found any more since??? And yes I have looked and looked and looked!!!
By the looks of things I will be cutting all six here in a few days. Hmmmm I kinda hate to see them go??? Anyway...the plan it too cut each plant whole and to hang them right where they sit. Lower the temp to 65-70ish and wait then yet again for another couple of weeks.
As of recently I have had odor problems that I have yet to feel well enough to address. I will likely have no choice once they are hanging?
I will be adding a 8' Uvon Inline Ozone Generator and/or a Canfill Carbon Filter this weekend. I should have just done so from the start but I thought that I might be able to get away w/o it for my first grow. Which may have been my biggest mistake.
After just reading 7G's thought's I'm off to the grow shop to get a carbon scruber now!!!

Peace MBT
awesome grow! Awesome pics! AWESOME. good4u!!! may you always have herb to smoke:48:and share. PLR
Thanks gangalama
I'm pretty sure that I will not have to pay for my weed for a little while LOL. Man you got it going on bro! I've got as many days into flowering as you do in your whole first crop, much to learn much to learn. I will be checking you out later.
GREAT JOB!!! Thanks for the peek and the pat on the back.
Peace gangalama!!!

I have thought about this for as long and hard as my little mind can fathom. Day 69 in flower and THEY HAVE TO GO NOW! I have an inlaw comming in a week to ten days that can not know anything about my little gardening project. I have to be ready for a final inspection? This will just have to be like my own personal feasability assesment for future gardening projects.
So far all of my pot smoking family and friends have not supected a thing. With the one exception of one neighbor asking me about some funny smells over the past week, which I will make sure will to never let happen again!!! As some of you have strongly advised....I will continue to work on learning to be as stealthy as I can. Special Thanks 7G for catching me spleeping at the weel, I knew better! I've still much learning to do. Now that I think about it, that was a dumb mistake. I will continue to think about it!
I have tried to thank everyone with the little scales, but I will go back through to make sure that I didn't miss anyone. I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU ALL AGAIN!!!!

CHOP CHOP CHOP!!! SHHHHH..... Tell No One!
Peace MBT
Ah yeah, Harvest time, baby!

Way to go bud, I'm very proud of you. Hope everything comes out in the cure for you! Keep those babies above noses and you should be fine, just fine.

I wanna know how that chronic tastes, mikeyb!

For now...Peace out!

7greeneyes :D

p.s. T - 3 weeks for my Snow Whites. I took pics but trying to get my 2006 sony dvd camcorder to update on a friends computer and it aint workin damn it! I'm going to borrow someone's digiCamera and take some more pics and definately my harvest (easier to transfer from one locale to another then plants ;) ). Take care my friend.
I'll b right over with my homemade steamroller! :rofl: jk bud! l8trs
I read the title of this grow and I expected to see weak results. Very misleading...:D
What's up 7G
I've been on operation CLEAN SWEAP now for the past week. I figure that it's all just practice so that if I ever should have to do this again I can remove all evidence in a few hours. Not that I will ever have to worry about having to do so again but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Not to mention that I will now be able to do a little remodeling on my room w/o having to worry about working around stuff.

Hey Trafic
I started out with low ph problems and I just kept the title from the help section of the forum..... sorry, I was not trying to misslead anyone, it just worked out that way!!! Stoned hurt and my first time messing around with any of this. I will get better with some time and practice.
Thanks for the peak!

Sorry no time for pics. My plants are all still hanging at 65deg. with 40-50% humidity nice and safely until Monday when I can mess with them. This is a very good strain and I know that I can a lot better with it given a little time, patients and practice.
I would have to rate my buds at a 7 overall with some in the 8's compared to some of our best local stuff. Don't get me wrong I'm very happy with it and it is really good bud and I do know that it can be even better. At the same time some of our local genetics are really hard to compete with as far as overall quality.
I just obtained a strain that I have never heard of called Night Shadow this strain is very very unique stuff. It's a dark purple bud that has a smell, flavor and high that I have never in my whole life seen or experienced. While checking into a few N. Cal. Purple strains this one stands out heads and shoulders above any of the other purples that I have ever seen. This stuff is nothing short of amazing and it deffinately tops my list of purple weed to grow!!! This stuff is nothing short of a 9+ and is truely one hit ####!
I will be working on finding other top local gentics while I work on my room and plan my next grow. I will likey post some smoke reports on the best ones that I find.

Happy growing to all!!!
Peace. MBT
mikeybtoken said:
What's up 7G
I've been on operation CLEAN SWEAP now for the past week. I figure that it's all just practice so that if I ever should have to do this again I can remove all evidence in a few hours. Not that I will ever have to worry about having to do so again but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Not to mention that I will now be able to do a little remodeling on my room w/o having to worry about working around stuff.

Hey Trafic
I started out with low ph problems and I just kept the title from the help section of the forum..... sorry, I was not trying to misslead anyone, it just worked out that way!!! Stoned hurt and my first time messing around with any of this. I will get better with some time and practice.
Thanks for the peak!

Sorry no time for pics. My plants are all still hanging at 65deg. with 40-50% humidity nice and safely until Monday when I can mess with them. This is a very good strain and I know that I can a lot better with it given a little time, patients and practice.
I would have to rate my buds at a 7 overall with some in the 8's compared to some of our best local stuff. Don't get me wrong I'm very happy with it and it is really good bud and I do know that it can be even better. At the same time some of our local genetics are really hard to compete with as far as overall quality.
I just obtained a strain that I have never heard of called Night Shadow this strain is very very unique stuff. It's a dark purple bud that has a smell, flavor and high that I have never in my whole life seen or experienced. While checking into a few N. Cal. Purple strains this one stands out heads and shoulders above any of the other purples that I have ever seen. This stuff is nothing short of amazing and it deffinately tops my list of purple weed to grow!!! This stuff is nothing short of a 9+ and is truely one hit ####!
I will be working on finding other top local gentics while I work on my room and plan my next grow. I will likey post some smoke reports on the best ones that I find.

Happy growing to all!!!
Peace. MBT

My fav purp woould b purple wreck or grape ape... mmm'mm yummy, cant wait to hear how you are doin and your smoke reports, bud.

l8rtr gator!

7greeneyes :D
Damn MikeyB!!! look at them buds man.... I think this may be the first time i stumbled onto your journal...

Id trade my journal and pics for a harvest like that... Looks A+

Keep up the good work!!!
Thanks JAAM
I was very happy with what I got from this grow. First time out I realy did not expect much. Nor did I expect that the quality would be near what I ended up with. Even after all of the problems that I had my bud is not to shaby at all. I can really now see how this strain could be truely amazing given some time and TLC
I think that I should be able to make major improvements with some ajustments to my set up. I've been rather busy with a few of them that have turned into major projects.
I will be doing some electrial changes, building a starter/clone box, changing some ventilation, adding a carbon filter and possibly a 100gal water tank. My goal is to work at automating as much stuff as I can due to my health.
At the same time I have been doing some strain research which has been alot more fun than the work on my grow room.

I think that this will be my last post to this grow journal and that I will now start comming up with a solid game plan for my next grow while poking around grow room set ups and designs.

I would like to add that if it were not for this site and the many great people that are willing to openly offer and share their advice and experiences I would have never been able to do this on my own. I spent countless hours reading from this site learning everything that it took me to design, build, grow and harvest my own weed. To think that it worked the very first time is still hard for me to believe.
I said this at the beginning and I will say again here at the end of my very first Grow Journal:

This place is awesome!!! Many of you are simply amazing, many of you folks continue to totally blow me away with your in depth knowlege and insight to pot growing.

Peace MBT
Nice patience man, great harvest.

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