shipping question

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Very grouchy and ornery today…
May 12, 2014
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mrs. fogey and i are celebrating our 25th weeding anniversary by going to hawaii. she is partial to my cbd nordle and i like to cruise around with a brownie buzz. i wont bring any of my fun with me but was thinking of shipping a couple of joints and a handful of brownies vacuum sealed to the hotel stuffed inside a cheapo ukulele i have. the hotel says i can ship my 'guitar' there though they do not know i am planning on the goodies. anyone have any experience with doing this. i am not trying to flood the hawaiian market with my home grown. i just want to relax and enjoy my vacation and anniversary. or is it a better idea to try to score some high cbd smoke there? looking for the best shipper(fedex, usps, ups, dhl) and any tips or tricks. i am not looking to cheapo out on anything other than the uke. thanks.

I think your idea is good. Vacuum sealed works. have fun...Your wife and my husband...the nordle.
thanks rose. i grew the nordle on your recommendation. my wife who was 'drying out' when she quit drinking had not smoked in a couple of years because she was worried about falling off the wagon. but the nordle is the perfect buzz level for her. a friend i work with also loves it. he vaped some and thought he needed to vape some more then realized he was right where he wanted to be. very great advice. thanks agai rose. the satori you recommended is one of my favs. i have some going outside right now. i know you said yours are pretty consistent but i have 2 distinct phenotypes because one girl flowered 2 weeks earlier than the rest of the crop. and she is very indica looking. didn't notice that big a difference in the tent but since cloning and growing out the clones outside, there is a marked difference.
Is the smoke different on the satoris? I am so glad your wife likes the Nordle. I messed up and didn't grow any this season.. I hope Bud will like some of the other cbd's. I should go plant a seed of that and it could be a christmas gift... THANKS oldfogey!

Have a wonderful vacation.
i am not sure on the difference. i didn't really notice a difference in the satori plants i harvested so i did not keep track of them. it is just glaringly obvious that these are different. you know what? it could be i screwed up labeling the clones. i grew satori, cbd crew nordle, green crack and amnesia(the last 2 were freebies) so maybe the odd one it amnesia or nordle. if it is nordle, that would be a good screw up for me for once...
I have always heard it is best to use usps. First class mail requires a search warrant to open the package.
I live in a small town where every piece of mail is handled by multiple hands. I have received more then one oz. through the post office safely. Just double vacuum bag them and you be fine. (Make sure they don't rattle around.) :vap-Bong_smoker:
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thanks for the help. i am feeling chicken though. the whole federal crime thing has me in a tizzie. is it better to vacuum seal some joints and hide them in the luggage? or is that still a felony because i am crossing state lines? i am going to purchase some of the local produce anyway because, well, it is hawaii and that was the holy grail when i was a kid in the 70's.
I used to carry pot with me all the time when I traveled. Stashed in my checked luggage was always fine.

Then, things got tougher and I used to roll joints and put them in a plastic bag and put the plastic bag inside my shampoo bottle.

Fast forward to today. LOL I don't carry anything when I travel any more. With 22 states being legal, you can score just about anywhere.

Hawaii is extra cautious because of bugs and other things that they don't want coming onto the islands.

I was able to score in Maui. We took the Jeep up to Haleakala and we scored from some guy on the side of the road screaming, "Marijuana" as the cars drove by. LOL We stopped, gave him $30 and he gave me a bag of sh!t weed. LMAO I went back looking for him the next day and found another guy who sold me some awesome pot. Happy ending. LOL
On our recent trip to Mexico we went shopping at a few places. Every time I stopped to look at a pipe, they were more interested in selling me weed than the pipe. I passed anyway as I sure didn't want to end up in a Mexican jail...home now and I got my own!
Funny Mexico story.... we went to Cancun one year and stayed at the Fiesta Americana Coral Beach. Beautiful place. Stayed on the 7th floor as I recall.

Asked a taxi driver where to score weed (always ask the taxi driver LOL) and he sent me to the flea market where I very quickly scored a giant bag of pretty darn good pot.

Partied for the couple weeks we were there and when it came time to leave, I still had half an ounce or so. I didn't want to take it home so I went into the ice room (you know, each floor has a little room with an ice machine) in the hotel and moved the drop ceiling aside and put the pot and a pipe I had purchased up into a crack in the wall.

2 years later, we are in Cancun again and staying at the same hotel. Only on the 5th floor, this time I think. Anyway, I run up to the ice room on the 7th floor, hop up on the ice machine and reach up into the spot where I stashed..... I wish I had a picture of my smile when I felt that baggie. LMAO

Now, I know how a squirrel feels when he finds an acorn. LMAO
nice job on hiding it. I haven't think of that when I went to hawaii with my girlfriend. But I bought 1 Ukelele there so maybe next time. I admire your Ninja Moves there.
My wife and I take a cruise once in awhile out of Ft Lauderdale/Miami and we always bring along something from the herb cabinet. Shall I just blurt out my tips here in the open forum? Or PM me, we've done it 6 or 7 times.
Great stories. Thanks. We made it to Maui and my small stash did too. Mrs. Fogey thought a small bottle of moisturizer that was close to empty would be a good place to hide a few grams. She was right. No biggie. Still wish I had some brownies. Going up to Lahaina in a couple days to see about some local goodness. Thanks again for the input and entertaining stories. I am heading down to the ice room to check some ceiling panels...
LOL Oldfogey~ Have a great time. Where did you get your nordle seeds? the place i go doesn't take credit cards anymore.
Hey Rose. I bought them from attitude seeds. They don't take American credit cards. I don't have any non-American credit cards. So I emailed them and they told me to check out using British pounds. Then the credit card option becomes available. You get charged a nominal conversion fee. I think the fee was like $3 on a $100 order. I hope that helps.
Went to Lahaina today and bought some outrageously expensive doobage. $20 a gram for a pretty light couple of grams. The guy told me it was Golden Ticket. I have read that the strain is all the rage so I assume he was playing me. However, it was very appealing looking bud. Densely covered in trichs. Very, very heavy scent and sticky. The buzz was pretty amazing too. Sat on the beach with my wife discussing the stars and watching the waves dance for us for a couple of hours. Could be the atmosphere too but if it really is golden ticket, I may need to get some seeds. Aloha!
Man, I am so jealous. LOL I love Lahaina. I so much want to live in one of the apartments above the bars. LOL What a perfect place.

The only thing I didn't like about Maui is that they close up the streets early. Like 10 on weekdays and midnight on the weekends. Heck, I don't even go out until 10. LOL

6 AM and the beach is crowded with runners. I am 3 hours into my sleep at 6 AM. LOL

You definitely need to take a ride to the "other side" of the island. Very cool stoned. The lava looks like God came down and plowed his fingers through the rock and made furrows. Really beautiful in it's own way. DO NOT drive on the jagged lava. You WILL get a flat tire.

And, for sure, drive up to Haleakala. Take a jacket and long pants or sweats. Amazing how cold it is up there.

I say it again.... I am so jealous.

Have fun.
Went to Lahaina today and bought some outrageously expensive doobage. $20 a gram for a pretty light couple of grams. The guy told me it was Golden Ticket. I have read that the strain is all the rage so I assume he was playing me. However, it was very appealing looking bud. Densely covered in trichs. Very, very heavy scent and sticky. The buzz was pretty amazing too. Sat on the beach with my wife discussing the stars and watching the waves dance for us for a couple of hours. Could be the atmosphere too but if it really is golden ticket, I may need to get some seeds. Aloha!

I got robbed at gun point for 5 lbs of golden ticket. Seeds are not available for this strain anymore. I did a couple crosses with her and then let her go.

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