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Hey Ness !-- Hope U feel better soon !-- More than one of us up in here might have a mental problem !-- I think I'm the only sane one in the group !-- Ya'll all crazy but me !-- I don't remember what it was but Dr. Mind Bender had a word for that but he was crazy too ! -- Never ask one them fellows how long they had a god complex going around deciding who's crazy and who's not !-- Dude U need to look in the mirror !-- He put me on some medicine that turned me into a piece of furniture for a few months before I flushed it and didn't go back to see him !
We are under weather alert here. Not bad right now just rain. I sure hope we miss the big part of this storm. Time for a hit.:bong2:
I'm in Ness !-- I been trying to get up and moving but I'm moving like a grandpa today !-- I like to see some bud porn round here sometime too !-- Storm push thru here last night might get intense so hunker down and fire it up !-- U got a lamp or flashlights in case U lose power !
Ya, Keef we all go through our battles just like Rose said. How did you make out in the storm? There is just tree limbs down around me. The farmer sure love this rain it is going to help germinate they seeds they just planted.
My camera flash is broke. Just got it from amazon. I got a set of lights from them to and they went out on me. Keef do you every get things that brake from amazon?
Had a problem once Ness -- I bought a light that was defective and they sent me a replacement before I even returned the defective one ! -- All my grow stuff mostly came from Amazon !-- I do not need to be spotted buying grow supplies locally !-- Grow got to be invisible no hints --No nothing !

Umbra I need one those vacuum filter systems for making wine !-- I have to use time and racking to clarify my wine !-- Syphon it off leaving the sediment ---Every week or 2 --- It's kinda wasteful cause U lose some each time U rack it !
ness, glad the new meds seem to be helping. You are having a bad run of luck when it comes from amazon. All my stuff has been good. :confused2:

On another note, I think I have the whole heat thing under control. Moved the ac to the top of the window and re-located a fan and things are holding steady at 70 degrees. :clap::clap::clap::headbang2:
That's what I'm talking about !-- I think down deep bud porn makes me remember getting high while flipping thru a new issue of High Times !

Umbra any suggestions on how to clarify this "Muddy Water" ?-- 3 lbs bakers sweetened coconut 3 lbs of coconut sugar -- Yeast and water !-- I think I can nail taste but still looks like muddy water !

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Going out side, it is overcast, windy, not to much, and in the low 70. Time to breath some clean air. Have a High Day OFC. :tokie:
I did that earlier Ness and almost got blinded !-- Big orange thing in the sky and hot wind !-- No I didn't loose anything out there !--
Don't even think --
Except your scooter !--
Ain't funny !
Keef, the process of making wine and beer are a bit different, and all my knowledge is about beer. When you make beer, you boil it. This creates a change to the water, malted grains and hops. The proteins coagulate in the boiling process and become heavier than the water and fall to the bottom. This called the hot break. Once it has boiled for an hour or so, you cool the wort down rapidly. This causes other proteins not affected by the hot break, to fall to the bottom of the pot. The clarification process for beer relies on both the hot break and the cold break. Sometimes it is still not enough and things like cold conditioning are used to get even more proteins and bits of hops to fall to the bottom of the bucket or carboy. Some brewers used gelatin in conjunction with cold conditioning to make the floating particles heavy enough to fall to the bottom. There are other additives that brewers use to get the beer clear, I don't have enough experience with them to know if they would work with wine or not. They use fish bladders to filter the beer or whirlfoc tablets added to the last 10 minutes of the boil.
My BIL was head of QA for Big beer. They filtered the beer, then after that they filtered it again. Have you tried a coffee filter or something like that?
It's a work in progress Umbra ! -- I did boil this batch of coconut !-- That muddy color is all from the coconut sugar !-- Kinda like Dark Rum -- The molasses or whatever they call the equivalent in coconut sugar caused the turbidity !-- It'll clear up a lot when I freeze it !-- I might try that gelatin trick !-- My wine making tech ain't very fancy !-- I usually bring the fruit mash and sugar to a boil in a big pot of water !-- Boiled it for a while then pour it into a 5 gallon bucket and top off with RO water !-- Stir in the yeast and cap the bucket with an airlock !-- About a week depending on the temp -- The yeast have eaten most the sugar and my bubbler slows way down !-- I then take the lid off and put the 5 gallon bucket in the freezer -- Bout 24 hours later I stab some holes in the ice to get to the brandywine in the center of that block of ice and pour it out ! - That usually takes it down to about 2 gallons ! --I get my empty milk jugs out and divide it up and put it back in the freezer for another round !-- I bring those 2 gallons down to one and call it done !- I then use the crock pot on the back porch to get it hot enough to cook off most the head and kill the yeast !-- After it cools I can adjust the sweetness !-- Then U wait !-- Takes a couple weeks for the flavors to develop fully !
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