Recent content by DreamOfGreen

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  1. DreamOfGreen

    How $31 of pot gave mom a 10-year-prison sentence

    There is NO WAY that anyone should get that kind of sentence over two or three grams of weed! I would bet big that the judge, her lawyer, the prosecuting attorney and every cop and state employee that had anything to do with her case does worse things than what she’s in prison for on a...
  2. DreamOfGreen

    What the Hamster has been chewing on...The state of the cage....

    Some of your pics make it hard to resist licking my computer screen... Excellent excellent excellent! It floors me when plants that size and quality are in only one gallon pots.
  3. DreamOfGreen

    The door was open so I came in to say hi

    the cab is one I built for someone else. started with a pos 14watt LED and two 60w cfl's. It latter got replaced with t5s. I have another one I use for seedlings. and as a nite/mode light.
  4. DreamOfGreen

    Cheeseberry Haze, Hercules, LSD under 400w ceramic metal halide

    The CMH delivers a few less lumens than a HPS but the light spectrum it produces is excellent.
  5. DreamOfGreen

    The door was open so I came in to say hi

    I think I've got it
  6. DreamOfGreen

    Cheeseberry Haze, Hercules, LSD under 400w ceramic metal halide

    I’m growing in eco friendly shopping bags. I’ve got about 4 gallons of soil in each, they could hold another gallon or more but I ran out of soil. I made my own version of super soil: Ocean Forest 3 1/4 gallons (60 scoops) Happy Frog...
  7. DreamOfGreen

    The door was open so I came in to say hi

    Ahh, I see. Sorry for missing that. and very well explained, thanks HIE. most hippies are much harder to understand...
  8. DreamOfGreen

    The door was open so I came in to say hi

    Not it either. I'll toy with it latter.
  9. DreamOfGreen

    The door was open so I came in to say hi

    nope, let's try this...
  10. DreamOfGreen

    The door was open so I came in to say hi

    Thanks Rosebud, I’ve got a long way before my dreams are completely fulfilled, but It’s a good start. If I understand you correctly the pic of my garden should show up below... I love the bags too, their made of the same material used for landscaping fabric. Roots grow through and get air...
  11. DreamOfGreen

    The door was open so I came in to say hi

    and a one minute video of my grow: hxxp://
  12. DreamOfGreen

    The door was open so I came in to say hi

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Some doggone good puns. If I'm doing things correctly the pics are: LSD from Barney's Farm Hercules from Sannie's Cheeseberry Haze from Sannie's Both LSD's Top view of LSD All grown organic in my version of super soil in Wall Mart eco friendly...
  13. DreamOfGreen

    Hello Everyone

    I met your name sake Wavy before a dead show in vegas. 1989 or 90 I think. We had ganja spaghetti sauce that got us so wasted we almost missed the show. I don’t know if Wavy made it or someone else, but it was awesome.
  14. DreamOfGreen

    The door was open so I came in to say hi

    I’m a little surprised I hadn’t come across MP before now. I like the site set up, it’s not overly cluttered like some and easy to navigate. I’m here for both entertainment and education, to both give and receive. I’ve learned allot about cultivating our favorite plant but I need and want to...