Recent content by groot

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  1. G

    Need help...

    Well, I ended up burning for 15 mins with 1/4 cup. I turned off everything but the fans, burned, shut off burner, then turned AC and filter back on after another hour. Glad I have a good seal to the room cuz that stuff sticks! I dont know if I need to do it again or how often for how long......
  2. G

    Need help...

    What should I shut off?
  3. G

    Need help...

    Thanks Dman1234. I think Im just gonna give it my best shot with piecing together bits of advice. Im gonna use 1/4 cup for 15 minutes, leaving AC, carbon filter, fans, and dehumidifier on. I wont go back in until lights back on. Gonna do it at 1 AM so everybody should be asleep. lol. I hope...
  4. G

    Is a window air conditioner considered exhaust?

    Thank you thacheese. I have decided to burn 1/4 cup for 15 minutes and stay out until lights back on. Also, will leave AC and carbon filter on.
  5. G

    Is a window air conditioner considered exhaust?

    Hushpuppy, besides the AC , CO2, and carbon filter, the only other air exchange I have is leaving the door to the room open. But not what I wanna do after a smelly sulfur burn.
  6. G

    Need help...

    Thank you Hushpuppy. I do have CO2. I also have a carbon filter but was actually wondering if I should have it on or even in the room during a sulfur burn. I read somewhere online that someone thought that would be bad for it but didnt really understand why?! I should've asked the guy in...
  7. G

    Is a window air conditioner considered exhaust?

    I know this might be a dumb question but I really dont know! I HAVE to do a sulfur burn and need to know if AC is sufficient for exhaust. Side question, but not as important, does anyone know how long the exhaust from room will smell?
  8. G

    Need help...

    I should add that I cannot hear any sound on videos because my computer needs a new sound card so youtube does me no good.
  9. G

    Need help...

    Thanks Rosebud! After my temper tantrum I walked away from the computer and the garden and went out to dinner. I'm better now, guess I should've had a snickers :)
  10. G

    Need help...

    Geez. I guess I'm just gonna chop it all down and start new on my own. Hard to believe no one has any answers or will take the time to respond. This site used to be helpful.
  11. G

    Need help...

    Right. My eyes hurt from too much looking around the net, and a lot of the forums do not have anyone knowledgeable it seems. I chose this one awhile back because I think it's the best!
  12. G

    Need help...

    I purchased a burner from the grow store, so it is not a homemade one, so in that regard it should be safe. From what I have read so far, the vapor dissipates after awhile so it should be safe to enter. But not sure if the exhausting is for the benefit of me, the plant, or both. I dont have a...
  13. G

    Need help...

    Thank you, and I do plan on giving all areas a very good scrub down when finished! I am tempted to harvest the one that is now 9 days away just to be done with the hassle, but everybody keeps saying to stick it out. The veg room is doing great but I know the sprays just slow it down and at any...
  14. G

    Need help...

    Oh come on now guys! I know there's a lot of smart folks on here that have at least a pretty good idea of what I need to do. Plz take a few minutes to help! :)
  15. G

    Need help...

    P.S. If I left out any info that could help let me know. Thanks!