Recent content by high 420

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  1. H

    Mendocino Madness

    will do man. i had some lemon skunk last year and it did not finish for me hopefully u have better luck with the lemon haze. I also got some early durban seeds in from "the flying dutchmen" germinated all 10 and only 3 came through so i hope ill have enough clones by may. Where abouts in...
  2. H

    Mendocino Madness

    hey man i just got my madness seeds in and will start them soon. but what iv read on other forums is that its a good plant with a 7/10 potency, thats all i have been able to find on it. i live in Ontario so i was lookin for an early flowering plant, i will b taking cuttings off them all winter...
  3. H

    Soil that retains water?

    i use a soilless mix with a high porosity[pro-mix hp with Mycorise] so i can water a lot more there for putting more fertilizer in and making the plant very big, also do some researchon mycorise very good stuff. and if u do want to hold moisture in use mulch or a product called soil moist
  4. H

    flowering outdoor

    i think it might b the shock/stress from taking inside to out and yes they were on 24 hour light inside. thanks man never thought of that, ill put up pics next time i go out to see them porb this weekend
  5. H

    flowering outdoor

    i was talking to a friend today who is a botanist and the only thing we could come up with is that they r stressed out and just started to flower
  6. H

    flowering outdoor

    there is bud on some of them
  7. H

    flowering outdoor

    im growing 20 plants from seed outdoors they r still in pots and on the edge of a corn field in Ontario. i went back today and found that 7 turned male already and 2 r female and the rest r not showing yet. so my question is y r they flowering so early? i was thinking not enough light? O yah...