Recent content by Kuhmar

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  1. Kuhmar

    Need Elecrical Help

    Hi there just like to agree with the crazy guy here as i got a pretty bad shock trying to wire up things a few years back & even still got o line across my hand from the burn & i thought :hubba: i knew what i was doing so i got a proper Sparky friend to wire up my fans & stuff this time,i just...
  2. Kuhmar

    Earth Juice ?

    wow thanks so much info cheers :D well i will attempt to tell you my set up but just ask if i forget something as my memory is terrible:eek: well first of all i'm trying out Skunk#1 as most people i talked to in Amsterdam said its the easiest to grow:hubba: i am into my first week of flowering...
  3. Kuhmar

    Earth Juice ?

    Sorry to be a pest as there is probably a topic already for this but just cant find it :eek: but A friend of mine recomended the Earth Juice Cocktail ,Grow, Bloom, and Cataylst as i am into my first week of flowering but if so in what order or all 3 ? Or could you's recommend me another product...
  4. Kuhmar

    Hay-up all :D

    lol Smoke :cool: been doing that since i was a kid m8...but really fed up with the poor quality you get here so i have been going to Amsterdam 3 times a year for the past 7 years & and once or twice for about 15years :holysheep: but even that is getting mega expensive with the airplane...
  5. Kuhmar

    Hay-up all :D

    Hi all would just like to say hi too:holysheep: was member of Skunkforums too but like some1 else mentioned it got closed down :eek: but hay all is good as i would have never have found this :D & by the looks of things this seems as good if not better so thanks for having me i & HI again :ignore: