Recent content by mike78wmdayton

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  1. M

    Best Vaporizer?

    I just bought the natural good vaporizer for 200 bucks from
  2. M

    How do u load the whip on a natural goods vaporizer??

    Do u just drop in the front.. .. on how to load whip.. ok i guess u do.. anyways.. i just got it.. its been on about 20 mins and don't see alot of vapor coming thru the tube? is it usually like this.. just a very thin light vapor?? mike
  3. M

    How long do seeds stay viable for?

    I was thinking about ordering some seeds.. like more than i even need.. but wanted to save a few for later. How long do they stay good for?? Can i keep them in a drawer for years?
  4. M

    Techniques for holding up top heavy plant

    My God Those Are Big!!
  5. M

    How many watts does a fan on low use generally?

    My 600 watt hps light seems cheap monthly compared to the fan which prob uses more watts per hour. Anybody know how many watts approx for a standard osciallating fan on low would be per month? on average
  6. M

    How far above water are clones to be in bubbler?

    in the section here about making one.. the guy said to keep clones right above water somewhat.. so in the water.. above da water some.. i guess it all works..
  7. M

    Cheapest i can get 1 gallon bags on ebay for??

    Hi.. someone told me that i could find one gallon BUBBLEBAGS on ebay for under 150.. which is alot of "average" people would buy to make their hash. ( the 1 gallon size) Whats the cheapest anyone has ever bought bubblebags for on ebay here .. and please include link of seller if possible...
  8. M

    When i see roots.. on clones from bubbler.. etc

    ok when i see roots.. on clones in my bubbler.. is it then time ( or at least ok) to then put them in my pots full of soiless mix?? Then they will grow as normal ?? have about 5 days til this hopefully occurs..( the roots visibly growing for me)
  9. M

    Some light getting in tote... will things be ok still?

    I got a mini bubber.. 10 gallon tote filled up pretty full .. so that they are in water .. Problems is lid wont quite go on right due to water pushing sides of tote outwards. So some light is getting in there.. will this be a big deal??
  10. M

    Clones in bubbler were above water for a day

    Hi.. I just made a bubble cloner.. I thought clones were suppose to be just above water at first.. so for first day thats how they were. Now i know that they are suppossed to be in the water.. just curious if people think they might still make it and root or if being in the air will maybe...
  11. M

    Gold Coffee Filter vs. Bubblebags

    I"m wondering is it worth the 150 bucks to buy some one gallon bubblebags on ebay in ur opinion compared to the seeminlgly good hash i can make using a gold coffee filter/ paper coffee filter hash making system. Any opinions on this??
  12. M

    How far above water are clones to be in bubbler?

    Hi.. are the clones suppose to be right above the the water somewhat?? or what?? using the $35 bubler shown here.. mike
  13. M

    Ok.. few ?'s about bubble cloner

    Ok.. went to Wal Mart..the smallest tub they had was ten gallons.. will this work.. even though it is deeper than the suppossedly 3 gallon one posted in the section here about making one?? Will it still work if i build it in a ten gallon.. ?? Does it matter if water is deeper than 3 gallon ...
  14. M

    Ok.. i made bubble cloner.. a few ?'s

    Ok i made it .. just a few ?'s.. rather than 6 inch bars i got like two 14 inch bars that i ran lengthwise rather than 3 along the width like diagram shown on this section of forum about making one. How far do plants have to be from where bubles are bursting on surface of water to still...
  15. M

    The Cops Want to Know...

    I smoke daily.. but trying to cut down some.. I love pot.. but man nice to be sober .. so when i do smoke.. i can actually get a really good buzz.. also save more $$ .. i grow.. but could sell what i smoke.. make alot of extra $$ considering my stuff is "killer"