Recent content by Reserection

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  1. Reserection

    This is what's wrong with me; do you think I would qualify?

    Thanks for all of your responses! I really appreciate your insight and I will look into it further. It's not freedom until it goes federal, IMHO. I posted my ailments/annoyances to allow members of this forum to guestimate to the best of their ability whether or not I am eligible for medical...
  2. Reserection

    Joint Rolling Contest

    Dude. You rolled a Tie-Fighter!
  3. Reserection

    passing a drug test and smoke the day before

    Someone told me that if you put some of your pubic hairs in the urine sample, they won't be able to test it because having the hair in it would mess up the control. I am NOT sure if this is true. Just wondering if anyone else has heard the same thing?
  4. Reserection

    Dear Law Enforcement Official...

    Newbie poster here. I, too, am sick and tired of having to look over my shoulder and hide whenever I want to smoke a spliff. I'm sick and tired of paying $60.00 for an eighth of an ounce of a "black-market herb." I dream of the day that I can walk the street and smoke a spliff, just like I...
  5. Reserection

    This is what's wrong with me; do you think I would qualify?

    Not that I'm complaining, but this is what I deal with: 1) Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Diagnosed but I lost the paperwork when I lost my apartment. 2) Back Spasms - Not diagnosed, but I have had this problem since I was a kid. I never went to a doctor about it because I wasn't insured for most...
  6. Reserection

    Allow myself to introduce... myself.

    Hello fellow tokers and smokers! Reserection is the name of my undead priest on World of Warcraft. I decided it would not be best for me to associate my name with marijuana, as my job prohibits its use. I came here to ask a question or so, but I will check it out. This site seems like a...