Recent content by Spliffy McWeedyCakes

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  1. S

    Oh the humanity!

    Very sad turn of events with an update...RIP
  2. S

    Transplanting an outdoor grow

    :clap:....lmao....that was a perfect morning pick me up:)
  3. S

    Flowering....topping okay?

    Update....plant was getting out of control:(
  4. S

    Transplanting an outdoor grow

    Not a waste of time at all;) I learned a ton of stuff from you guys and it is very much appreciated and I will put what i learned to use at a later time, date, and place. The grow started as a "throw some seeds over there and see what happens" and oh boy did it happen. Never expected it to be...
  5. S

    Transplanting an outdoor grow

    I'd post pics of my girl yanked up and dieing on the ground but you guys and gals would ban me for life if I did....RIP 2009 first outdoor grow:( I cant believe how hard it was to yank it up. Jeez, she had a stranglehold in the ground.
  6. S

    Transplanting an outdoor grow

    Decided I am yanking her up and mowing her over with the mulcher:(:(:( Just read my state laws and one single plant gets you up to a 20 year sentence...reward not worth the risk
  7. S

    Transplanting an outdoor grow

    Help! Plant is just a monster getting ready to top my fence and I no longer feel safe with it outside especially since I just read the following...I only have the one plant and "thought" no way they would waste time with a single plant:rolleyes...
  8. S

    Flowering....topping okay?

    Forgive me for my ignorance, but what is IT?
  9. S

    Flowering....topping okay?

    Plant way to tall and starting to flower. Is it okay to top it or is that too much stress on it? Is it still possible to tie it down for horizontal low stress training? Outdoor grow. Thanks in advance:)
  10. S

    How far into flowering to keep giving bloom nutes? When do I stop?

    All kinds of conflicting info as well as different opinions, not sure what to. First time medical grower:) Been giving her store bought blooming nutes that are working well. I do know flushing is important towards the ending of flowering stage Thanks in advance you awesome group and guys and...
  11. S

    Frost and light freeze on the way in my neck of the me save bush

    My girl is so damn bushy, I couldnt get a lawn sized garbage bag around her:( I planted late like I said and she just started to flower days ago....I hope she can withstand 8 more weeks. I am really worried about the wind lately....I sit and watch her just take a brutal beating with the high...
  12. S

    HEEEELP...... Heat Stress ????

    I dont get plants endure 90-105 everyday with a drastic drop at night into the low 40's so far....darn you marijuana*shakes a homer fist*
  13. S

    Did I plant to late????

    I absolutely LOOOOOVE the way the leaves follow the sun during the day like mini satellite dishes....awesome!!!! I'll keep you guys posted:)
  14. S

    Did I plant to late????

    On my, oh my...this thing has doubled is size in the last 2 weeks. Please hurry and flower!!!!!!! I can sex her finally....the little pistils of heaven. Did my best with the pics. Its as big around as a fat chick on a mo-ped....not that I would know how that feels:eek: Enjoy and wish me...
  15. S

    Late transplant

    Looks great! Depends on your circumstance. Appears to already have amber hairs and I am sure it would be a nice head high. If you can let it grow for another 3-4 weeks that would be cool and probably close to double the amount you are now seeing, but don't jeopardize your livelihood;)...