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  1. rookie101

    Male VS. Female

    ok so im growing one plant and i dont want to put in alot of time for a male plant. whens the soonest i can figure out if its male or female, and how can i tell? please tell me i can tell befor flowering.
  2. rookie101

    Help Me!

    ok so iv been on probation since march and havent smoked since then other then 2 or 3 times after my first drug test which was the day befor the 4th of july. im 5"6 and weigh 155lbs. i think the last time i smoked was the 6th and my probation officer called me today and said i had to take a drug...
  3. rookie101

    Floro lights

    lets see some pics :hubba:
  4. rookie101

    FiRsT gRoW!!!

    ok so i put my power skunk seedling in soil 2 days ago and now its about an inch and a half long. im using MG moisture control soil with a florescent light. im growing in my closet, its real basic just the seedling in a cup with soil and a light. it seems to be working good for now but i intend...
  5. rookie101


    im using miracle-gro moisture control soil at the moment and my power skunk is growing like its been using steroids since birth... all that aside what do you guys think about the soil that im using for the vegitative stage?
  6. rookie101

    PoWeR sKuNk!!

    my power skunk seed just cracked!! im mad excited :D
  7. rookie101

    so bored!

    i like big blunts and i can not lie you other smokers cant deny that when a girl walks in with an ity bity waist and puts a round blunt in your face you get high, you wanna pull up tough cause you notice that blunt was stuffed my home bois tried to warn me cuz those buds you got make me so...
  8. rookie101


    will a plant flower more then one time?
  9. rookie101

    basic things to have

    what are the basic things that i need to have to grow my power skunk plant? please go into detail.
  10. rookie101

    amount of light/dark time

    i dunno if its diffrent with diffrent buds but i have power skunk seeds and i wanted to know how many hours i should give it light and how many hours i should keep it dark starting from germination up untill the end of the plants flowering. im trying to create a schedule and follow it, help is...
  11. rookie101

    soil mixtures

    do you guys have any preference on what kind of soil to use? or what type of nutrient enriched fertilizer to use?
  12. rookie101


    hey you guys i got a seed on a paper towel in a little tuperware thing. is that ok for germination? also should i keep it in the light?
  13. rookie101

    Sup everyone!

    ey whats up everyone, im new to the forum and new to growing as well. my friend bought some seeds and gave me a couple so im trying to learn more about how to do it : ) he gave me power skunk strain from G13 labs.