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    Yellow leaves

    I am trying to grow another white widow plant, but i seem to be having problems. I don't know what i'm doing wrong. Is it possible for seeds to get old. My new sprouts after about only a week are starting to turn yellow. Please help me save them.
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    DWC hydroponic

    I bought one of these dwc hydroponic systems and i have a question concerning where i should have the rock wool cube in the perlite. The instructions said to put rocks over the top but i have heard different, and also its almost seems that the rockwool cube is sitting right in the water, is this...
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    Fox farm grow big

    I am planning on growing 2-4 white widow plants in hydroponic system with fluorescent lights, i am planning on using fox farm grow big, is a quart enough? and how much and how often do i add this?
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    How often should i water my seedlings? i have been watering once a day but i'm not sure if that is too much or not enough?
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    When u plant the seeds do you want the root facing up or down?
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    Growing with Fluorescents

    I am a first timer at trying to grow, i'm using two fluorescents, they are two feet long, and i keep them on 24/7. I use distilled water and water them, spraying the top soil about 3 times a day. i've had them on for a week and a half now and theres no sprouts yet. I germinated the seeds...