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  1. G

    auto flowering breeding

    the more i cross breed different autoflowering strains together the more potent they will get right? right now im breeding lowryder with dutch passion tundra it's a mix between passion#1 and a mexican ruderalis, so if i breed these two together would i end up with a strain that is more potent...
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    autoflowering question

    why is it so bad to plant autoflowering strains directly into the ground?
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    easy way to water plants

    i just was thinking of easy ways to get a good harvest outdoors and i came up with this, but it would take some time and a liitle bit of money, first i would grow out a mother plant and take clones and let them veg for a month to two months so they can establish a good root system do this a...
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    earth juice

    does anyone use this? i was just wondering do you use this every time you water your plants?
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    plating in the soils origanal packageing?

    has any one planted in the origanal soil packageing then dug a whole and put the bag in the ground then covered the bag the bag up, is there any advantages to this like having to water less or would it be better to just plant striaght into the ground?
  6. G

    feminized lowryder 2

    how are the feminized lr2 seeds? do they all actually turn out all female, are they worth it?
  7. G

    what light spectrum?

    i am gonna grow some lowryder plants in a small space so stretching is an issue i already have 4 68 watt 2700k cfl's and i was wondering does the blue light spectrum help stop strtching? and if so what kelvin light should i buy 6700k?
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    lowryder 2

    is lowryder stablized? if not what if any autoflowering are?
  9. G

    least pungent strain

    i want to do a stealth grow so i want a strain that does not have a strong odor (and not lowryder) do you have any suggestions?
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    scrubber vs. filter

    what is the differance between a carbon filter and a carbon scrubber? and which pne is more effective at covering up odor?
  11. G

    lowryder breeding

    if i pollonate 2 origanal lowryders together all the seeds will be autoflowering lowryder right? i heard some where that the seeds will be half autoflowering and half regular northern lights is this right??
  12. G

    how many cfm's?

    how many cfm's from an outake fan would i need for a grow room that i about 3 square feet and i want a fan that can achieve this with the least amount of noise as possible, thanks
  13. G

    growing in apartment

    as long as i keep the odor controlled do you guys think i will be ok? I will be using 300 watts total for lighting, will this be alarming to the apt managment. my grow box is very stealthy i am converting an old dresser into a small growing area. what do you guys think?
  14. G

    autoflowering strain

    i want to do a autoflower grow, i do not want to grow lowryder or lowryder 2, i have a very small grow area and i want to place the maximum about of plants i can get in there. does anyone know any other auto strains that are not bushy and make 1 big kola because i want to have a SOG grow thanks
  15. G

    greenhouse seed company

    if you have seen there videos online then you will know what i am talking about.... how do they get there plants so bushy without topping there plants. i want to grow some of there strains but i want to do a sog grow and i dont think that the plants will turn out very well if all of the plants...
  16. G

    going to indoors

    so far i have done 2 grows outdoors and really want to start growing indoors but im a little freak out about it, i want to use 2 1000 watt high pressure sodium lamps and have a total of 4 plants under each bulb and i will be use other equipment such as c02 generator, a/c unit, sulfur burner...
  17. G

    making feminized seeds

    i am fairly new to growing but from what i understand in order to get feminized seeds you need to have the pollen from a hermie plant then you use that pollen to pollenate any female plants that you have to make feminized seed, is this correct or can you only use the hermie pollen to pollenate...
  18. G

    autoflowering strain

    what is a good auto flowering strain that is not bushy and all of the bud grows on the main stem, reason im asking is i want to do a sog grow and i want it to be stealthy so a strain that does not smell to much either thanks
  19. G

    white widow

    there seems to be alot of seed companies out there that have white widow seeds, i was wondering what seed company actually has really good white widow genentics that have been known to be reliable and trust worthy? im looking to find the absoulte best smoke with the most thc% as possible, if...
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    i just ordered from attitude and seleted the stealth shipping and was wondering do they just put all the seeds all together in one bag or how does this work? Thanks