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  1. F

    The trip home

    I know I am looking far ahead but here goes.........I planted some seeds from an unknown strain.The mother plant was a very skunky and dank one.Im pretty sure the offspring will be the same(why not?)When I go for harvest I know I will be very nervous on the way home.If I get stopped for any...
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    Lost one

    :o Found out a farmer had sprayed weedkiller where I thought I was far enough away from harm.Guess not.At least it was only one.
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    corn pollination

    My corn came up pretty spotty this year.Some stalks are isolated from the rest.When it comes time for pollination what is the best way to it by hand?Does the plant use its own pollen?Or should I transplant the isolated ones?
  4. F


    I know of a barn that has a pile of bat ****.Would that be as good as store bought guano?
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    Good or bad idea?

    I took some plants from indoors to outdoors.I dont really have the option of letting them get adapted to sunlight.I made cages and once planted I took some other plant material and draped it across the cages.I thought by doing this they will be shaded untill the material dries up and...
  6. F

    water ?

    Is it good to use water that came from a dehumidifier.
  7. F

    Noob mistakes

    I am only a month into my first indoor grow.There are a few mistakes I have made and learned from.Maybe this will keep others from making the same mistakes I have. 1.. dont use soil that contains nutes.....I have some plants that got burned and stunted and might not recover and if they do...
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    I have seedlings about two weeks old.Some others that I planted at the same time are just now popping through.Same variety.Should I keep letting the late bloomers grow?Will they tend to be weaker plants?All will become outdoor plants.
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    Anybody have any experience in planting in cornfields?I did a little awhile back before they did no till.Will the chemicals they now use harm mj?Before there were few deer they are everywhere,should I cage the little ones when its time?Is there enough fertilizer already there...
  10. F

    He /she

    I grew a little outdoors awhile back.I was using a cornfield.On the lower branches of the females some male pods would grow.What would cause this?The lower parts were shaded more then the tops.I didnt fertilize.I didnt do ph testing.It was an indoor variety.Do any of those things cause that?
  11. F

    light questions

    Hey ya'll I used to do some outdoor growing a few years back.I used to live where I could start seedlings in my garden then transplant to a different area.I dont have that option now.I have never started indoors.I have started seedlings with two flou.fixtures(4 tubes)They started sprouting 2...
  12. F


    Years ago I dabbled in some outdoor growing.Thinking bout trying it again on a small scale.Better weed at a better cost ya know.I came across this site and thought "I have a few questions these guys might be able to help me with" so I joined up.You guys seem to really know your...