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  1. P

    I suspect I have over Fert? (w/pic goodness)

    Hi all, I have attached some pics... Im pretty sure what I have done is over fertalise my the plants? they are smaller this year and I think that i went to full strenth (1400ppm i think? - my stick has what 'full' should be with the fert that i use) a little early for the size of the plant. I...
  2. P

    My seedlings are falling over also (w/pics)

    Hi all, I need some help (or perhaps a LOT of help.. depeneds on what you say). I'll start from the start.... this is the 2nd lot of seeds that i have tried to germinate... the first set i tried in rockwool cubes in my clone box which was a miserable failure. So then i tried to put the seeds...
  3. P

    Seeds germinated but 1/10 has popped though

    Hi all, I germinated 10 seeds (5xwhite widdow and 5xbuddah cheese).. they all germinated in 24-48 hours using the paper towel method and i have placed them into their little rockwood cup things under a light. Of the 10 that I planted, only 1 has popped through and its been about 2 weeks now...
  4. P

    Possible to grow indoor (tent) and flower outdoor? (greenhouse)

    Hi all, Here in the southern hemisphere we are coming into winter... the outdoor season is over, harvests have been done and now its time to turn to other things.... but i had a thought. I live on acreage and have a greenhoues that I use for outdoor growing during summer, but is it possible to...
  5. P

    Outdoor plant possibly going into flower?

    Hi all, Okay.. it seems like everytime I visit here its cause of some problem .... well... here is the latest one ;) 8 weeks into an outdoor grow. Light is about 15 hours from sun up to sun down. I chopped off the stems about 4 weeks in to promote sideways growth as you can see in some...
  6. P

    Tips of new clones turning downward but look healthy

    The leaves of these new clones are turning downward.. they seem healthy otherwise and are starting to grow nicely. The medium has fertilizer in it (as it did last year) but as with everything I suspect that may be the cause? as a first measure I was going to remove the food from the water (i...
  7. P

    What am i doing wrong (im at my wits end)

    Hi there, Im at my wits end... I have tried to grow hydro for 12 months on and off now and i always seem to roughly get the same result (i.e: nothing) no matter what I change and im running out of ideas.... So far I have tried different clones Tank water, Mains Water and Dam water Different...