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  1. speedemon

    Guess Who Is Back... Aslan

    :hubba: I want to thank everyone for the thanks that you have sent me on my postings. I hope they have helped. I am going away. As Aslan is back i don't have to front for him anymore. THE KING IS BACK...:holysheep:
  2. speedemon

    How did MJ start being called Buddha?

    Popular Music?
  3. speedemon

    What up Youngins

    Great Mods like you make it the great place that it is. Thank you Smokingmom. Great username! I saw a post a while back asking you about some pics, if you get around to PM me:hubba:
  4. speedemon

    Marijuana and libido-

    Absolutely! In every great way possible. Intensity, focus, sensitivity, awareness, fun, enjoyment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Relaxation helps size too!
  5. speedemon

    question about 150hps??

    I know a guy that did four two gallon pots with a 250 MH and and 22watt flourescent tube as a back up. Mylar every side.
  6. speedemon

    Failed Drug Test

    Puri-blend from GNC. Never failed me.
  7. speedemon

    What up Youngins

    Thanks for the luv. I read some great posts from that guy Aslan King. Anyone know why he got banned. I am glad I am not that guy:hubba:
  8. speedemon


    If you are looking for info MPP is a great source
  9. speedemon


    What kind was it? Some plants are easier to control than others. I has seen a few african sativa have a mind of their own. indicas respond better.
  10. speedemon

    Hurricane IKE is near.

  11. speedemon

    just before harvest

    never put mine in dark, just stop nutes a 5/7 days before. Just water. burn better feel better. No headache
  12. speedemon

    door problems help me!

    double sided tape the fluffy one. only use one side. Thinner than weatherstripping.
  13. speedemon

    Looking to get an outdoor game going.

    We have a huge park up here and I thought about it. It would suck to do all that work and then they come and burn it at harvest time. I do wish you luck. Park police caught a kid here because the park service was following a turtle they put a transmitter on. How do you put out a hit on a turtle...
  14. speedemon

    What up Youngins

    Been lurking for a while, great info. I hope to learn and contribute when I can. This is the best run site of this type I have ever seen. The rules are strict but the quality of the postings I have read make it worthwhile. i hope to continue the tradition of the happy congenial atmosphere I see...