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  1. warfish

    To the drunk at my back door...

    Around 3:30 in the morning last night I was awoke to the sound of a thump at my back door. I ran to the back window and could see a person sitting on my back porch with there back against the door, motion sensing lights tripped and a full 200 watts shining down on him. At this point I am still...
  2. warfish

    Spinosad or Organocide for my thrip problem??

    I have the thrips, again! It seems that with the cold winter the thrips come inside. Second time I have had this problem, both times occurring at the same time of year. Last time I had them I documented the problem here, and I used two different things in an attempt to kill them (Spinosad...
  3. warfish

    Perlite by Miracle Grow

    I went to pick up my normal 2.5cf bag of perlite from Home Depot only to find they where out of stock and it is out of season. The only other perlite they had was some by miracle grow. This stuff says it has nutrients added to the perlite :( Does anyone know how substantial the amount of...
  4. warfish

    How do you know when to pay your cable bill?

    When you wake up and have no tv or internet! Lol :) Not the best bill payment system, but when they are the lowest priority they get treated like it, hehe. :D I have had to learn to live alone for the first time this year as well as with half the money, so I am still learning and...
  5. warfish

    water temp for watering

    I have recently changed where I get my water from for watering. The problem I have now is the water coming out of the faucet is very cold. I plan to warm the water some before using but was wondering if there was a guideline on how cool of water would be acceptable.
  6. warfish

    Strains for anxiety and depression

    Greeting fellow gardeners :) I have been running the same genetics for over a year now and I think it is time for me to try to find a new strain to add to the mix. I am only running two strains right now, an indica heavy White Widow and a Kushberry x Skunk. I puff the WW almost exclusively as...
  7. warfish

    is HTG Supply still the place?

    It is time for me to order some supplies again (mostly GH nutrients). I usually order a good amount at a time so it has been a year since ordering. With that in mind I was wondering if HTG supply is still one of the better places to purchase supplies from online? All my past experiences...
  8. warfish

    Thanks for two years of independence

    Been awhile since I stopped in here, but this month marks two years since I have had to rely on someone else for my meds so I wanted to take a moment to thank the great members of this site who two years ago helped me gain my independence. I might be still growing had I not found this site...
  9. warfish

    If you could not grow anymore would you still puff?

    I was thinking about this the other day. I have only been doing this for a bit over a year now, but I already am at a point that I simply cannot see myself ever going to a "dealers" house again for my supply. I think I might have to just stop puffing if ever put in that situation. Wow this...
  10. warfish

    Of all the things you miss...

    about how the site was set up before ... I miss the "Thank You" button. I will give as many "Thank You"s as possible if we can get that back :D
  11. warfish

    Favorite Stoner movies

    This topic was done shortly before the big crash (thanks Gandalf :D ) and it had some good suggestions in it for fun stoney movies. I watched one last night that made me laugh a bit so I thought I would revive the topic. It doesn't matter if there about pot or you just like to be stoned while...
  12. warfish

    Deleted thread

    Just an FYI to anyone who may be looking for it, the last thread I started was deleted by me. It was not a productive thread for this site and my initial goal was to help the site, not hinder.
  13. warfish

    How often do you change your bong water?

    Just curious as to how often everyone out there changes out there bong water.:bong: I change mine once or twice per day. Basically each time I get ice for the bong, which is every evening and some afternoons, I change out the water and rinse her out.
  14. warfish

    My first DWC bucket - Critical Jack

    I am currently blooming out my first DWC bucket and wanted to share what I have going on so far with it. :DMy original journal was a victim of the big server crash, so we will be starting this one at mid bloom. The genetics are Dinafem's Critical Jack. This girl was grown from a cutting that...
  15. warfish

    Characteristics of a good bong

    I recently purchased my first bong after 25 or so years of puffing. I am enjoying it very much in the evenings as it seems to get me more couch locked than the vaporizer. The things I am not liking so far are the occasional splashing up of the water onto my face as I am hitting it and because...
  16. warfish

    2 light room is complete

    I just completed installing all the ductwork for my new 2 light system and was soo excited I thought I would share, hehe :) Still need to hang a few cords but it was night night time for my girls :p 1-1000w and 1-600w provide around 8000 lumens per sq ft to the room. Room temps are at 76-78...
  17. warfish

    White Widow day 53

    This is a White Widow from Seedsman Seeds at day 53. This pic really doesnt do the colors justice. I am going to snag my wifes camera tomorrow and try to get some good pics of her :)
  18. warfish

    Grow Two - Orange Bud and friends

    My first grow is coming to a close now and so the second one is about to begin in full :) I have learned so much in the last few months with reading this sight and researching anything I dont fully understand along the way. I am hoping to take this new knowledge along with some new equipment...
  19. warfish

    fortune from cookie

    I ordered chinese food delivery the other night. I am a bit paranoid now, I am thinking the delivery place is on to my grow! This is the fortune that was in my cookie......
  20. warfish

    Attitude giving away Subcool seeds on next promo.

    The next Attitude freebie promo is running from March 5th-8th and will be featuring TGA Subcool Seeds. For some reason I am unable to view the newsletter pic, so thats all the info I have at this point. If anyone can tell me what strains they are giving away and any details on it, it would...