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  1. J

    Fat Buds

    what kind of ferts exactly?
  2. J

    Quick question

    How many plants could i expect to get if i planted 100 plants under 2 1000 watt hps lamps and if i grew them SoG how much weight could i expect?
  3. J

    Fat Buds

    i use 250 watt hps and a 250 watt mh lamp now...but i am thinking of investing in a 1000 watt lamp very soon as ill have more room to grow next year
  4. J

    Fat Buds

    What is the trick to making fat dense buds because ive grown successfully 3 times but my buds arent fat at alll theree just sort extremely light in weight?
  5. J


    How many plants can I grow using one 1000 watt hps bulb with room not being an issue?