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  1. spliffy


    So I had a party on Friday, and my parents found out so they did a search of my room while I was at work the next day, they found some zig zags, my stoned doodles, some shit I was gonna use to make a bong(tubes and flask etc). Think I can lie my way out of this? Give me some suggestions.
  2. spliffy

    immm feelin gooooood

    i just had a couple shots of my weed drink i made outta everclear, the alchohol has hit me but im still waiting for the weed.! and when i get high im gonna go tobbogganing!!! PEACE out guys!:eek:
  3. spliffy

    a growing movie

    someone should make a video of a weed plant growing using that time lapse photography. then it would slow down to real time and show someone watering it. I think this would be really good for teaching people how to grow. i know nothing about time lapse photography except that people use it to...
  4. spliffy

    getting high on nutmeg?

    So I've heard of people eating some nutmeg (15g) and getting a very enjoyable, long high. If it's so great why isn't it more popular? Check this out: What chemicals are in nutmeg that get you high? Supposedly its easy to OD. Does anyone know...
  5. spliffy

    green dragons

    you can make a green dragon with vodka, everclear would work too right? does it work better? And does anyone have other weed drinks?
  6. spliffy

    sober 1st times

    why dont you get high your first time smokin pot? is it just because you suck at it and cant get a good hit?? hmmmm......
  7. spliffy

    whats worse for your brain?

    Which is worse for your brain alcohol or reefer? im not talking about chronic smoking, just like at parties on weekends.
  8. spliffy

    when your trippin

    K I ssmoked to damm much andi am trippin too hardddd righ t now pleaase tell me how tocome down quicker im not enjoying this high ****
  9. spliffy


    So I have a big bong shaped flask thing and a funnel (gonna be the bowl). both are made of pyrex and i need to put a hole in the flask.... any ideas for how to put a hole in pyrex, without buying something? Would it work if i heated up some kinda metal extremely hot with a torch, could i poke...