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    SoCal. OC. GG. Protest

    Information can be found here: Brief details: The city of Garden Grove in Orange County is voting today on banning access to mmj for patients. Keep in mind this is the same city that made a precedent ruling in Supreme court in favor of a...
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    Was searching for a small co2 generator and check this out My first impression was "open flame... no good" "fuel powered, no good" but further reading and looking at design seems to make it a fine product. however I'm sure replicating wouldn't be so hard. anyone else in here ever wondered about a small co2 generator.
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    DIY: Closet Set Up. Light and Moveable. EZ to take down.

    I made one of these for myself. Using one of those portable closets from Lowes or Walmart. Here's what you'll need. 1. The Closet. hXXp:// 2. Black & White Poly 3. Rivet Gun and Rivets. (unless your good...
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    DIY: Stanley blower fan mod. (its been around the net)

    I'm sure some of you have seen the Stanley Fan mod. turning the 35$ blower into a 2 way intake - 1 exhaust blower. The fan has a intake side with a grill of approx. 5" while the other side has many slits to pull air in from the motor side. Bonus is the 2 additional plugs right on the fan...
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    spLIFTED new setup. I have a few questions.

    Hey everyone, I am a patient in CA that uses cannabis for chronic pain and severe anxiety/depression. I was involved in a car accident late 2005 in which i steered the car to take full impact to lessen injuries on my ex gf at the time whom was in the passenger side. She left without a scratch. I...
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    New to the boards

    Hey everyone. Patient/adovcate in CA. Became a patient after a serious car accident i was involved in. Had my femur snap on impact and major concussion. Cannabis helps alleviate my chronic pains while allowing me to function everyday. Also I've been very holistic in nature. I was a football...