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  1. F

    Can I plant now?

    Is a 5 gal bucket safe on your roof?Seems a little obvious to me.
  2. F

    How long do I have to pull the males?

    And it almost always worth it:)
  3. F

    How long do I have to pull the males?

    Dont know how its spelled but "Permanene" is what you want to keep ticks off.Spray it on your clothes only.Dont get any on your skin.........its poison to us as well as bugs.Just read the label carefully and go by the directions.It me.I use it anytime I am in the woods and the...
  4. F

    corn pollination

    Once the corn tassles began releasing pollen I made sure that each ear got pollen from the other stalks.I dont know if it was needed but it all turned out ........full ears of corn with no missing rows.
  5. F

    Attention Mathematicians ....

    An ounce is a quarter OF a pound......4 ounces is A quarter pound
  6. F

    I think my neighbor is growing!!

    If it were me I wouldnt let on that you even smoke at all.Especially if ya grow.If he gets popped he may rat ya out.He isnt even your bud so how could ya trust him?
  7. F

    I think my neighbor is growing!!

    In my neigborhood we all mind our own.........and we all get along.It works for us that way.
  8. F

    The trip home

    OK ...I got a plan.I guess it would be better to drive during the day.The owner will let me hunt there.I will take my hunting gear and go in before daylight,crop my stuff then go home.Still not sure how I will store it.Paint buckets sound like a good idea.Thaks yall!!!!
  9. F

    The trip home

    Wish I could do get it past the property owner it has to be done after dark.
  10. F

    The trip home

    I have about a 5 mile drive.I know the sober,drive legal(no speeding,stop at the lights,etc)no cig butts out the window etc.The cops round here are looking to stop anyone after dark.They want the drunk drivers.Thats why I need advise bout the odor control.
  11. F

    The trip home

    I know I am looking far ahead but here goes.........I planted some seeds from an unknown strain.The mother plant was a very skunky and dank one.Im pretty sure the offspring will be the same(why not?)When I go for harvest I know I will be very nervous on the way home.If I get stopped for any...
  12. F

    Lost one

    I have one or two here and there.All your eggs in one basket kinda thing.
  13. F

    Lost one

    :o Found out a farmer had sprayed weedkiller where I thought I was far enough away from harm.Guess not.At least it was only one.
  14. F

    Cannabis importer's cunning plan not so clever

    I thought they didnt come down on ya for seeds..........just confinscate em?Why was this guy different?I have never ordered any and this makes me that much more paranoid to do so.
  15. F

    Fully Auto First

    I shoot quite a bit but nothing full auto.That would be a blast.
  16. F

    corn pollination

    Ok I get it...............thanks
  17. F

    corn pollination

    Can I ask a stupid question?What is cross pollination?Where one plant is pollinated by another?Can I just take tassles from one plant and pollinate the isolated ones or does it need multible tassles to pollinate one plant.Hope that makes sense.
  18. F

    corn pollination

    My corn came up pretty spotty this year.Some stalks are isolated from the rest.When it comes time for pollination what is the best way to it by hand?Does the plant use its own pollen?Or should I transplant the isolated ones?
  19. F


    Dont know what that means,anyway......... I didnt pre fertilize my holes.I was thinking of bagging some **** and putting it around the plants.Letting rain leaching the **** down to the roots.Is it worth doing ?Pros or cons?????
  20. F


    I know of a barn that has a pile of bat ****.Would that be as good as store bought guano?