NYCD Autoflower question

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Just a Dawg
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
Setting up a comp case grow for a friend that has muscle atrophy or something from advanced diabetes...he says smoking cuts his morphine intake in 1/2. I'm going to grow one batch of NYCD Autoflower F2's to make sure its chimed in and will work good. At least something to get him started. hey anything to supplement getting the street crap. Hopefuly get a male and female and give the whole batch of seeds and case to him.
But was going by the 18/6 that the lowryder guide says, but then someone said that 20/4 is better...which is better? Also does one make for tighter node spacing like in reg genetics?

I have never grown an auto b4.


Hello Mutt :)

I have had a long look around, most Auto's do best on 20/04, but after reading 3 different sources, they all said NYCD Auto F2's do best on 18/06.

Its a good thing your doing, helping your fellow man.


Hey Mutt...I hve grown autos under both 18/6 and 20/4 and didn't notice much difference at all...I think as long as you do not go below 18/6 the autos will be fine....I now do 18/6 as it costs me 2 hours a day in less electricity and helps keep the temps down in my tent during the hottest part of the day. You might want to consider the strain Short Stuff as they are perfectly suited for a comp case grow...the are really short and do not branch out much either...
That is the coolest little set up I have seen. Great job Mutt. Props for helping your buddy too..
Good luck with the autos man, they scare me.
I agree with NorCal. That is one awesome little setup you got there.

The temps holding up ok in it?
The last lil comp case i a dummy i used CFLs BIG ole mistake....hate to say it but a 55w CFL is hotter than a 70w HPS. Not sure if its becuase the ballast is attached directly to the bulb or what..but it was hotter. more heat less lumens i don't think so :p
I wanted the ballast in this case to be on the back, but the future owner requested it all be internal and look like an old printer server or something. lil more fine tuning and it should sound and look like a running comp. old beat up one, but a functioning one :p

I haven't ran it full out but proly should be around 85-90 but for a comp case grow...its managable ;)
It has both intake and exhaust fans, will be putting in plexi glass thick hi-heat to make a heat sheild from the canopy.
lil mini scrog should do the trick at least get maybe an ounce outa it ever two months. Its not meant to keep one in full supply, but wil help supplement.

Would go with another auto...but these were a gift. I don't have plans for keeping autos around my grow...but think for a regular joe that needs ease of use and small confined area its the best way to go for him. Plug n play like ;) I'm too much in love with Sat doms to go the route of short flowering indicas and autos. but will be doing one grow in this case just to work out any hidden bugs with the design prior to handing it off :D Makes the 3rd mini set-up i built for peeps in need. this one being the smallest yet :holysheep:

I have my soil chimed in and all he would really need to do is water...esp with only a 2month growth cycle :D I use a lot of organic slow release parts in my soil. ;)

Thanks All for the help...think 18/6 is gonna be the ticket. Off at midnight on at 6am :D
few more pics. :D
soil mix is going to be
evergreen potting soil
horse manure and other things compost
Espoma Bio-tone
Blood meal
Bone Meal
Cocoa fiber...i call it cocoa peat...good renewable resource alternative to peat moss which isn't renewable well it is but not as good as cocoa fiber.
Kmag when i can find it..have a bag of 0-0-60 but not quite sure if it will work with organics. its a mined mineral the dude at the nursery says it will work but have my doubts LOL

well thats it for me...will let ya guys know how it comes along. ;)

screen is just stuffed in right now to show design, will secure it perm when i get a feel for the sprouts.



Mutt said:
Thanks All for the help...think 18/6 is gonna be the ticket. Off at midnight on at 6am :D

Mutt since autos don't need a total dark period I wld make the off time during the 6 hours of the day that are the warmest...My lights go off for 6 hours from noon to 6pm and it helps keep the temps from's not like you hve to worry about light leaks from outside with autos....
lil mini scrog should do the trick at least get maybe an ounce outa it ever two months. Its not meant to keep one in full supply, but wil help supplement.

Usually 1 would grow around that.
Dont know how much root space is recommended normally. But if you grew one out and across the scrog as hard as it could produce. Then start the next after 4 weeks. Where it wouldnt need to use the scrog space really. Couldnt you pull in well more per month?
I dont know, just a random question.

Ive been tinkering building a tiny little box to try a Auto Scrog myself. Little thing is neat as can be. Got me all curious and interested.
I guess that would work if using femd seeds..these are just reg. so have to sprout and get going cull the males and all that.. if cloning or femd seeds though that would work real well. would need 2 with a 70w MH for veg and 70w HPS for flower LOL. but not in my budget to build 2 cases.
Root space as can tell from my bonsai thread is not always a major set back.

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