Maturity of MJ in reference to flowering.

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Stoney Bud said:
Yes, the plant simply won't flower until it's sexually mature. Planning for growth is one of the most important factors of growing MJ.

Good luck.

Are you sure about this? I must respectfully disagree. I have had numerous, successful grows/harvests from seed on a 12/12 schedule from germination. Not to 'outshine the master' by any means, but just thought I'd let you know.

"my original statement was WAY out of line... so this edit needed to be put in" Stoney was on target with this statement... i just found a faster way to show sex, that he refuses to acknowledge"
Magoo said:
Are you sure about this? I must respectfully disagree. I have had numerous, successful grows/harvests from seed on a 12/12 schedule from germination. Not to 'outshine the master' by any means, but just thought I'd let you know.
You can put the plant into a flowering schedule, but it will not flower until it's sexually mature. Each time you've done this, your plant kept growing in the vegetative state until it matured. Then it flowered. That's the way it works. The only exception is the autoflowering strains. Even they have to be sexuallymature before they will flower. They just don't need any light changes to do so.
Stoney Bud said:
You can put the plant into a flowering schedule, but it will not flower until it's sexually mature. Each time you've done this, your plant kept growing in the vegetative state until it matured. Then it flowered. That's the way it works. The only exception is the autoflowering strains. Even they have to be sexuallymature before they will flower. They just don't need any light changes to do so.
Good info...I didn't know this.
Stoney Bud said:
You can put the plant into a flowering schedule, but it will not flower until it's sexually mature. Each time you've done this, your plant kept growing in the vegetative state until it matured. Then it flowered. That's the way it works. The only exception is the autoflowering strains. Even they have to be sexuallymature before they will flower. They just don't need any light changes to do so.

First I just want you to know that I respect your opinion, and in no way am I trying to pick an argument... With that said, you are WAY off base on sexual maturity.... Plants that have been sprouted under 12/12 IMMEDIATELY begin to flower.... (my experiences may differ from others) The strains I have done this with usually lean on the Sat side... I do this to keep stretch to an absolute minimum. And, the indica dom plants that I run this way go through a few days of a growth/veg phase, usually lasts no longer than one week, once first true set of leaves are shown.... I mean from no pre-flowers to full blown in one week.... I have some photos if you would like to see....
Magoo said:
First I just want you to know that I respect your opinion, and in no way am I trying to pick an argument... With that said, you are WAY off base on sexual maturity.... Plants that have been sprouted under 12/12 IMMEDIATELY begin to flower...
First, I would have to tell you that this is *not* my opinion. It's a fact that has been proven beyond any doubt by the scientific establishment.

I also respect your opinion, however, what you're suggesting is impossible.

Despite it having been proven and accepted by every botanist in the world, you can certainly disagree. You would have to prove it to the entire botanical world however, for your opinion to be accepted by the mainstream of the scientific establishment.

There are countless references to it online. I would suggest that you do some research on this before making any further claims that contradict the findings of every study done in this area.

Good luck to you man. Perhaps you're correct and all the Phd's in plant sciences are not.
Stoney Bud said:
First, I would have to tell you that this is *not* my opinion. It's a fact that has been proven beyond any doubt by the scientific establishment.

I also respect your opinion, however, what you're suggesting is impossible.

Despite it having been proven and accepted by every botanist in the world, you can certainly disagree. You would have to prove it to the entire botanical world however, for your opinion to be accepted by the mainstream of the scientific establishment.

There are countless references to it online. I would suggest that you do some research on this before making any further claims that contradict the findings of every study done in this area.

Good luck to you man. Perhaps you're correct and all the Phd's in plant sciences are not.

I have to correct myself and omit that the plant does not need to be sexually mature.... What I can say is that the rate the plant matures sexually is exponential when compared to say, vegging until the plant shows sex in pre-flowers.... This is not proven by any means... it is supported by growers from all over.... I don't know too many phd's in the field that will say they can prove too much...
Magoo said:
First I just want you to know that I respect your opinion, and in no way am I trying to pick an argument... With that said, you are WAY off base on sexual maturity.... Plants that have been sprouted under 12/12 IMMEDIATELY begin to flower.... (my experiences may differ from others) The strains I have done this with usually lean on the Sat side... I do this to keep stretch to an absolute minimum. And, the indica dom plants that I run this way go through a few days of a growth/veg phase, usually lasts no longer than one week, once first true set of leaves are shown.... I mean from no pre-flowers to full blown in one week.... I have some photos if you would like to see....

I have found this to be entirely strain dependant. My Godbud cross showed maturity at about 10 days. My Swazi Safari took over a month and was 14" tall. Either way, until preflowers (sexual maturity), you can call it what you want, it is vegging regardless of lighting schedule.

I think this is a misunderstanding of terms. Lets just leave it at point in bickering.
Magoo said:
I have to correct myself and omit that the plant does not need to be sexually mature.... What I can say is that the rate the plant matures sexually is exponential when compared to say, vegging until the plant shows sex in pre-flowers.... This is not proven by any means... it is supported by growers from all over.... I don't know too many phd's in the field that will say they can prove too much...
The reason that MJ reacts as it does is because of the *type* of plant it is. It has identical characteristics to all plants of that same type. Plants of this type have been studied to death by many, many people over decades. MJ itself has been the focus of studies as hemp and in the medical tense.

What you're suggesting is contrary to scientific evidence available. Most of the papers on the subject can be found online if you search hard enough. The subject goes WAY beyond what you've learned so far, from what you've said. All of these papers were either written by Phd's or approved and graded by them. The evidence is rock solid.

Check it out man. You'll see that you're trying to re-invent the wheel.
Wow.... have you ever sprouted a seed under 12/12? If not then you are hardly qualified to make assertions on a subject that you have absolutely no experience....

Much respect to you Stoney Bud.. I have no intentions to insult or talk down to anybody here.... you are suggesting that what has been researched and 'set in stone' well, you just set the glass ceiling for growers everywhere... you are saying it is not possible? What? That a seed started uner 12/12 will not show sex "flower" faster than that same seed grown under a "veg" light duration??? That is not what I, or many others, have found to be the case... I did mis-speak when I said that plants don't need to be sexually mature... that was a very stupid comment.... ha but who's counting.... oh yeah... and the 'wheel' has been re-invented if you still disagree with me I'll pm you a link.... Much Respect.... :peace:
Wow.... have you ever sprouted a seed under 12/12? If not then you are hardly qualified to make assertions on a subject that you have absolutely no experience....

Assuming that I have no experience by the fraction of evidence you've learned about me would be incorrect. I have studied the plant for decades. I've tried to explain to you that you are jumping to conclusions about a subject that it seems you have to learn a lot more about.

Much respect to you Stoney Bud.. I have no intentions to insult or talk down to anybody here.... you are suggesting that what has been researched and 'set in stone' well, you just set the glass ceiling for growers everywhere... you are saying it is not possible? What? That a seed started uner 12/12 will not show sex "flower" faster than that same seed grown under a "veg" light duration??? That is not what I, or many others, have found to be the case...

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. It's been proven. It's not debatable. Neither you or anyone else has proven otherwise. You're mistaken if you think you have. Your conclusions are drawn from inaccurate evidence.

I've been growing marijuana for more than 40 years. Yes, I've grown crops as recently as last year with as little vegetative growth as possible by forcing the plant to mature as quickly as possible under a short day cycle.

I've read hundreds of studies about this subject. Have you read any? You may say that you've proven scientific fact wrong, but it really doesn't count unless you can prove it. I would suggest to you to go to the nearest University, contact the head of the Botanical studies group at that University and tell her/him that you have proven something that contradicts all of the evidence gathered so far about this subject.

I don't mean to insult you either, but what you're saying is impossible.

I believe strongly that you're misunderstanding the nature of the plants reaction to light.

MJ cannot flower before maturing. It's impossible. If the plant is mature, then it will flower. It will mature at exactly the same rate if under a short day or long day light schedule. This has already been proven.

I really don't know how much more can be said.

Again, I would suggest that you study this plant much more before making claim to things that have been proven many, many times under lab conditions, methods and procedure.
That's what I said... the plant can flower when mature... what are you saying... that starting under 12/12 does not induce the plant to flower in a more hurried fashion than if one waits for the plant to show sex...??? I didn't say I doubt your growing skills, or even assume what experience you have...I believe I asked you a question and you even quoted me on it "have you ever sprouted under 12/12" I made no assumption but jumped to the conclusion that had you not then you shouldn't speak on the subject... you have stated otherwise, but you imply by your response that you have a lacking of information, or an abundance of misinformation, when you say it's impossible... do not condescend to me just because you feel that I might have inadequate knowledge on a subject. It has been documented and I have offered the link to you.....

One last time to get you on board with me... again I made a HUGE error in asserting that a plant can flower 'before' sexual maturity... this is incorrect and I have made that correction....

And to that, I and many, many others HAVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION that you can induce a plant to show sex, flower, at a faster rate when sprouted under 12/12 (flower cycle).....(exponentially I believe was the word I used) than if given a 'normal' veg light cycle.... Show me your sources that 'prove' this impossible.... :peace:
Magoo said:
...I and many, many others HAVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION that you can induce a plant to show sex, flower, at a faster rate when sprouted under 12/12 (flower cycle).....(exponentially I believe was the word I used) than if given a 'normal' veg light cycle.... Show me your sources that 'prove' this impossible.... :peace:

I'm very sorry man, but this has gone far enough. You're asking me to prove something in the botanical world that is the equvilant of proving that the sun will rise in the east.

I'm not going to search down a paper on this. If you would like to, fine.

You're welcome to believe anything you wish. If I do happen to run accross one of the past studies I've read on this, I'll forward it to you.

Now, how about if we just enjoy the group?
Stoney----> To pick your brain further... would you say it's a FACT that a cannabis plant can only reproduce while flowering? Just trying to get you to think outside that dark box you seem to be in.... my methods may be unorthodox... but very rewarding.... and no they have NOT been proven to be impossible... because I and others ARE the proof that it IS possible... Respect.... :peace:
"until preflowers (sexual maturity), you can call it what you want, it is vegging regardless of lighting schedule."

OK here this , i only know of one breed that will from seed under 12/12
flower like any other plant ruddillius which dominates from russa.and do not need 12/12 to flower anyway,as it flowers with age.

With the highest respect to the mods they are bang on with what has been said ...:peace:
GreenFinger----> check your PM and go check out the link... you will see.... they are NOT bang on... you have just believed what you have been told, without seeing for yourself....
Magoo said:
Stoney----> To pick your brain further... would you say it's a FACT that a cannabis plant can only reproduce while flowering? Just trying to get you to think outside that dark box you seem to be in.... my methods may be unorthodox... but very rewarding.... and no they have NOT been proven to be impossible... because I and others ARE the proof that it IS possible... Respect.... :peace:
Once again, if you are saying that the time required for MJ to reach sexual maturity can be altered by lighting, then you're wrong. Period.

You can think what you wish, but if that is what you think you've done, then you're mistaken.

Yes, it has been proven with no doubt what-so-ever.

I'm done with this pointless argument.
Ok so what you are saying is that this photo.... cannot exist.... it is in a realm of insanity..... and is entirely not plausible that it can even be on this page....

when in fact it is a sprout that is 3 weeks old and has already finished some beans for me.... very interesting as I sprouted it under 12/12 got it pollinated in about a week, two weeks later it has since been reverted to veg and the seeds are done..... so where again are your sources that are going to tell me that this photo really isn't here???? I guess you could be a mod and delete it.... hehe.... no disrespect... much love to the whole community and hope this opens everyones eyes and gets them thinking.... oh what may come if people would just get out of the rut and try something different....

Magoo said:
I guess you could be a mod and delete it.... hehe.... no disrespect...quote]
You keep saying no disrespect and then you disrespect.

Please stop baiting me.

Others may think what they like. You and I have both offered our opinions.

None of the Moderators on this site delete threads that happen to disagree with their opinions. After you're hear long enough to discover that, you'll see that I'm correct in saying that.

If you have done this, then you and the others you speak of have defied Botanical research and done what is considered impossible.

There. Now I've said that it is indeed possible that you've done it.
Jeez people........."cant we all just get along!"

NONE of this makes any scence to me, I just grow!
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