Recent content by badboy55

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  1. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    I know I know man, I am over-reacting, I should be fine, Just being cautious. I think my plan of attack will be, 3 days before the test, I will drink shitloads of cranberry juice, and take some vitamin B12 Pills. I should be cool. I am really skinny. I hope that cranberry juice taste like...
  2. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    Smoking legally here is legal, however i believe it might be a violation of probation. Thats where they get you. I haven't smoked though ;) ;) . So i should be fine. Anybody have any idea about the whole THC absorbtion through fingers thing??
  3. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    hey guys, quick question. can thc be absorbed through your fingers? i rolled a joint here for some of my friends...
  4. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    Anyone There?
  5. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    Hey one more questioin. I take Multivitamin pills everyday that supplies 100% of my daily dose of Riboflavin (B2). I was told this can give false positives for THC. How long does that have to be in my system to show a false positive. Should I sustain from taking them? Also.. if i break up weed...
  6. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    Again everyone, thanks for all your advice. It is reassuring to have some positive support from fellow tokers. I think i will be cool I have 25 days and even I will really push the fluids for the few days before hand, and even give myself a test drug screen just for that exztra boost of self...
  7. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    Hehe, i know guys. I have smoked my brains out for the past 4 months, but all good things come to an end. And i would rather have my freedom than smoke. I have tried every kind of bud u can imagine here. I will miss living here. I am a lucky ************. But i dont want my luck to run out.
  8. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    Yeah man probation sucks. I hope a little more than 20 days is good. So i heard though that i shouldn't excercise the week before the test and eat alot of food and sit on my ass. I also heard not to drink alot of water until a little before the test. I hate all this ******* speculation. Anyone...
  9. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    also what kind of gelatin stuff should i buy? i dont know if i am just worrying myself for no reason, but i might just drink like a gallon of water, take 4 asprins, some vitamin b and a detox drink the day of or before the test just for good measure...
  10. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    Well my trip is coming to an end. I might have fucked myself though, i might not have. I smoked on the 18th of April- one small bowl. Then on April 29th, not even thinking about it i took a very very small bite of my g/f's space cake. I am now losing sleep and freaking out wether or not i will...
  11. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    thank you everyone for your responses and contributions. I think i am going to smoke a gram maybe once every four days. Then quit 45 days before i come back. then just to be safe buy a drink for my piss test the day i take it. hopefully it works out.
  12. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    weed tokaLOL no buddy 6 months is to long a month is wats required unless u smoke like more than an eighth every day then u would have to keep clean for bout 2 months ive drug tested be4 and they've told me how long it takes So weed toka, How often do you think i could smoke in order to be...
  13. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    anyone there?
  14. B

    Moving to Amsterdam & I need advice....

    Detox only works temporarily though, right before the test... correct? or do they have a detox that will clear your system out completely? any suggestions?