Recent content by bkane

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  1. bkane


    so u think i should get a spider on my plant
  2. bkane


    i just spray some insecticide i will see wat happens next
  3. bkane


    the bugs are red and tiny like red dots, with little webs, and the leaves have little white dots all over them
  4. bkane


    i just discovered that theres little bugs on one of my plant, whats a easy way to remove them
  5. bkane

    still no sign of sex

    my plant still havent shown sex, is it too late?
  6. bkane

    Average yield

    wat is the average yield for a sativa and indica? or is there no differnce? cause i really want to know how much i would get
  7. bkane

    female or male

    do u guys think theres a problem with the plant? since it is kinda skinny
  8. bkane

    female or male

    can u guys tell wat strain is it? cause it is bagseed, and i dont really know
  9. bkane

    female or male

    is there a way that i can tell its sex faster
  10. bkane

    female or male

    its a lil older than a month
  11. bkane

    female or male

    i live in fl so the day is quite long
  12. bkane

    female or male

    is this a female or male
  13. bkane

    BBPs' Blue Mystic

    hey bbp how did you manage to turn a little plant into a bushy, i have one thats 1 months old and only about 7 inches. great pics btw
  14. bkane

    pot size?

    what would happen to the plant if i let it grow in a medium size pot or a smaller one?
  15. bkane

    hieght outside

    can i limit the plant size by giving them a medium size pot?