Recent content by blogposter12

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  1. B

    DIY: Closet Set Up. Light and Moveable. EZ to take down.

    Well apparantly there are several types of portable closets that can be used for growing my plants.
  2. B

    How tall can I let my plants get? see pictures

    I'd say, give 'em a couple more weeks.
  3. B

    New Jersey town caught growing marijuana

    haha, that's hilarious.
  4. B

    Homegrown or not

    that's all saying are all cows homegrown cuz they weren't made in a factory... homegrown is something that make in ur own home, in a small, organic, carefully crafted setting.
  5. B

    It's a girl...and a boy

    I dont know, but they sure do look pretty nice to me.
  6. B

    Question: What would you guess?

    I had the same question. thanks for the info.