Recent content by dreys50

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  1. D

    Plants drooping, overwatering?

    Just wanted to update. Things are back on track and theyve finally hit their stride. I cant say I ever pinpointed what it was- but I now have an active ventilation system and had let the cubes dry out a little more before I fed next; so its quite likely that airflow was my problem...
  2. D

    Plants drooping, overwatering?

    I was leaning this way as well. The room had little to no ventilation, just a zipped up box. I have raised 1 wall so there is more airflow from my upstairs door/rest of the basement. If I need to get an active ventilation system I could certainly look into it.
  3. D

    Plants drooping, overwatering?

    Thanks for checking back. Lol, I had a feeling you might mention it- but there is a fan, its off to the right behind the res. The ones closest to it were getting wind burn so i had to move it back a bit, its just barely out of the shot. I could move that a bit closer to help cool. I do not...
  4. D

    Plants drooping, overwatering?

    Ive uploaded a few pics. Temp/RH at the time was 75/23 The pic of blueberry is kinda crappy (top far right) so I think I may go grab another shot right now.
  5. D

    Plants drooping, overwatering?

    Well I appreciate you taking the time to brainstorm with me. Ive been stumped for many days at this point. I grew for years without issue, Im pretty meticulous and havent changed a thing. The low RH, poor ventilaion, and possible water differences are the only changes. Its just a matter of...
  6. D

    Plants drooping, overwatering?

    Sure do, there is an oscillating fan on the plants 24/0. It isnt blowing down, just perpendicular to the plants.
  7. D

    Plants drooping, overwatering?

    Any thoughts on raising the RH? This has been an issue Ive pondered for weeks at this point, cant really come up with anything good- meaning anything that would increase RH a significant % at least. I really do apologize for not having pictures, I get annoyed myself when friends have asked...
  8. D

    Plants drooping, overwatering?

    Im with you on that, do you think that a low RH would create these issues?
  9. D

    Plants drooping, overwatering?

    That would be the temp at the canopy (albeit low!) of the plants. This temp is not much different than what I kept grows at in my other house. I understand this may be high to some folks, but personally Ive been successful with it. As far as being thirsty, they are sufficiently watered if not...
  10. D

    New member, hello friends!

    Hi everyone. I am new around here but not new to the hobby. I have been gardening for a few years (Serious Seeds' Ak47 is my personal fave!), and Im at a point where Ive come upon some issues I need help with. I hope to help any of you wherever I can and I hope you will do the same for me...
  11. D

    Plants drooping, overwatering?

    Hello everyone I am new here, but Ive been gardening for a while now. I have just recently moved and my new space is actually in a basement. My previous space had been a main bedroom in my house. I havent changed my method and Ive run into some issues that have me puzzled. My grow...