Recent content by High Bullrider

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  1. High Bullrider

    My 09 grow journal

    Since my last post I have now added 5 more plants to my grow. I added 2 purple seeds that have sprouted and are huge. And I just had 3 green seeds sprout today. I planted the seeds using what I used for my first seed but I have taken to growing indoors instead of outdoors. I planted the...
  2. High Bullrider

    My 09 grow journal

    Well I planted my seed about 3 weeks ago. The soil I used was a seed starting soil from Lowes. I was keeping it out side but decided to get a grow light and grow inside for a bit then move it out when its bigger.
  3. High Bullrider

    Whats up

    THe soil Im using is some seed starter mix I bought at Lowes. Im going to grow in pots inside and maybee finish the plants out side at a certain point. Im just using a grow light I bought at Lowes nothing special. I figured instead of buying my pot I would just grow it lol. has any one ever used...
  4. High Bullrider

    Whats up

    Im growinga plant that my connection called Pineapple Express. But my guess is its Pineapple Princess. Im growing it indoors
  5. High Bullrider

    Whats up

    Hey whats up. I just joined the site and hope to learn some good info. I just started growing about 3 weekes ago