Recent content by hydroponic73

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  1. H

    Late transplant

    I went ahead and pruined some of the fan leaves that werent doing too well. The plant is now potted so I can move it around a bit and it seems to be doing well one week into the transplant. Starting to notice some new growth and the edges of the top leaves are turning purple. Hope for the best...
  2. H

    Late transplant

    Well it's been about a week since I transplanted her. I've kept her in limited sun, geting most of its rays in the morning. The flowers are all looking good; havent changed much throughout the transplanting. The big shade leaves are looking pretty droopy (like they would at night) and...
  3. H

    Late transplant

    Well, it's been dug up, potted, fertilized and moved. Keeping out of the hot sun and hoping for the best. thanks for all the help! hydroponic
  4. H

    Late transplant

    Any transplanting tips?
  5. H


    Hey peeps, just wanted to introduce myself and say "high." Newbie gardener excited to find this joint and all the knowledge contained herein. Looking forward to learning some stuff and meeting some kewl people. All the best, hydroponic
  6. H

    Late transplant

    Id love it if you told me what it kinda new. Thanks in advance for your help. hydroponic
  7. H

    Late transplant

    I been growing a plant outdoors since june. The plant is healthy and has been flowering since early to mid july. The lovely lady is doing wonderfully but i have to move in two days. Should I harvest (it looks tasty already) or attempt a transplant at this late stage in th game? thanks for...