Recent content by Love2GrowLove2Smoke

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  1. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    Neptunes Harvest

    ive used fish n sea weed emulsion before it goes pretty good,i dont mind dynamic lifter either,they loveee the chicken ****,just gotta be careful not to burn your plants !!!
  2. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    help me theres MOLD!!

    personally id smoke it i wouldnt care,theres worse **** goin into your lungs anyway haha ?? but i wouldnt know some 1 with the answer will come along and tell ya,but if it were me id b smokin up !!:D
  3. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    Updated pix of one Leafs Girl

    nice lookin plant man,its goin beautiful !!!!!!!!
  4. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    glass pipes and resin

    haha when i used to own my glass 1 i just use to rinse it with hot as water and chuck some un-cooked rice in there and give it a damnnn damnn good shake !!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    My plant 2day

    To shakeyb0n3's previous post i agree man thats a serious fire hazard,hps light in a cardboard box ??? mann thats a ticking time bomb especially if its on like 18/6 a day !!!!!
  6. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    bad bad news 4 me guys....

    awww mann that is so savagely harsh,same thing nearly happened to me a few weeks back =[
  7. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    16 oz. Cup Grows

    Haha sweet ill get 2 germinating,hopefully get em in the box a few days after =]
  8. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    16 oz. Cup Grows

    haha yeh looks good fun,wouldnt yield much but id like to see how big i could get it whilst root bound ^^ lol,is it too late too start some up guys ??
  9. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    16 oz. Cup Grows

    yah looking nice man,so you boys leave the plant in the 16oz. cup for the whole duration of the time ??
  10. Love2GrowLove2Smoke


    Yahhh They Look Healthy,Goodluck With em ^^
  11. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    pics ladies

    your welcome mate,and thanks =]
  12. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    Too Tall?

    10ft that is crazyyyy !!!
  13. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    pics ladies

    Heyyy,Nice healthy lookin crop you got goin mate,the 1 with 3 leaves could be duckfoot ??? cant really tell...
  14. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    New to MJPassion

    cheers man i see you've just joined also,hope we can teach each other a thing or 2 =]
  15. Love2GrowLove2Smoke

    Growing into a cupboard ???

    Depends how much money you wana spend ...?