Recent content by mistaken

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  1. mistaken

    Molasses sub

    Thank you guys! that's what I thought. One of my friends told me about it. But i'm glad I came here and asked. Thanks guys. Off to get some molasses
  2. mistaken

    show your bush

    I found a random seed in my room, germinated, and eight months later here i am. I call her item no9. Both for the movie and the year.
  3. mistaken

    Molasses sub

    Just out of curiosity, can you sub brown sugar for molasses? I know that brown sugar contains molasses, but will the fact that it's further refined cause my buds to be starchy, and harsh?
  4. mistaken


    I ran out of molasses today, but have an overabundance of brown sugar. I know that it contains molasses, but will the sugar mess up my plant at all?
  5. mistaken


    Hey bro, thank you for the heads up. I didn't even think about that! So if I have offended anyone, I apologize.
  6. mistaken


    Hey what's up guys? So, i'm new here. I've got a conundrum. I've got a beautiful Sativa in my back yard. Anyway, she's been showing her "pistils" for about a month now, so I'm about halfway through before harvest. BEAUTIFUL, color and health, but there's absolutely NO smell in the buds. None...