Recent content by PhatWilly

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  1. PhatWilly

    Hindu Kush

    Mmm... looks to be dank :)
  2. PhatWilly


    Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum. I've made a few posts so far, but haven't bothered to introduce myself until now. My name is Will, I am from Massachusetts, and I look forward to getting to know you guys. Later!
  3. PhatWilly

    Bong smoke rougher than J! Why?

    The man reason bongs are rougher than Js, is that because it cools the smoke significantly, you can take in a lot more smoke, while ultimately burns you more. I have two tricks to dealing with this: 1. Use an ice bong. If you don't have an ice bong, but the ice in the water. THe ice cools the...
  4. PhatWilly

    Torrent downloads...

    I just google whatever I want. Say I want the song "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry. I google search " 'I kissed a girl' torrent" But, don't steel music. :hubba:
  5. PhatWilly

    Bob Marley I blaze when listeing

    My mom used to listen to Mr. Marley in the car when I was a youngin'. Didn't know back then that I was supposed to blaze when I listened him.:bong1:
  6. PhatWilly

    Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

    I've got no bong. :( Can I still be in the club?
  7. PhatWilly

    today i saw a skinhead

    Skinheads... well now I feel old :P