Recent content by PocketRadzys

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  1. PocketRadzys

    Tent Growers Club....

    Nice 1 dude. Being in Australia I'm a bit limited as 2 what I can get so I went with an Aussie brand called Indoor Elements. It looks reasonably sturdy but haven't set it up yet so I guess time will tell how she holds up. Fingers crossed.
  2. PocketRadzys

    Tent Growers Club....

    Hey multi, sedtup's looking great mate, I like the cool tube in the middle idea, looks very neat. Just a quick question, what brand of tent r u using? (sorry if u've already specified the brand) & more specifically, does it hold the weight of multiple lights/fans etc ok, or have u reinforced it...
  3. PocketRadzys

    Tent Growers Club....

    Hey Hamster, I 4got 2 pick a number when I signed up, could I b #1212? Cheers. By the way, u r 1 burning hunk of hot Asian shemale!
  4. PocketRadzys

    Tent Growers Club....

    I can't confirm whether this works personally but I read about a guy who used an electric blanket 2 warm his tent during lights off. He actually had it inside the tent on the floor, but I'd b worried about it causing a fire if water got near it. Might not b as much of an issue if u were growing...
  5. PocketRadzys

    Tent Growers Club....

    Yeah I think summer tenting might b a bit of a worry til I get some more experience under my belt. Pics might b a way off so I included an ebay link of the main components in my setup...
  6. PocketRadzys

    Tent Growers Club....

    Hope the interest hasn't dwindled 4 this thread, hopefully I'll post some pics in the not too distant future. My tent seems 2 b an aussie produced bootleg of a 4 x 4 secret jardin design. I wish manufacturers would stop using colour 4 the trim on the outside of tents. Mine would almost look...
  7. PocketRadzys

    Tent Growers Club....

    Watup tentrockers!!! Got any room in the crew 4 an Aussie? I'm not yet up n running, recently had a burglary @ my house (horrible experience) so I wanna get my crib secure n locked down b4 I begin. Being the 1st indoor grow of my very own, I'm expecting some teething problems& I want 2 have...