Recent content by ScottsIre

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  1. ScottsIre

    I'm 97% sure it's male, but..

    After only 24 hrs after my initial thread posting, it had developed enough to give me a clearer indiciation, most definetly a dude. I'm just thankful I pulled before the room was covered in pollen.
  2. ScottsIre

    I'm 97% sure it's male, but..

    I wish I had the ability to simply move it and let it finish its cycle, but I just don't. I just *gulp* pulled him, I could almost feel the shock of the plant in my hand, as queer as it sounds. Within minutes, there are already two, small seperate pots under a 400 HPS germinating.. Here's to...
  3. ScottsIre

    I'm 97% sure it's male, but..

    Great, thanks for the replies. I'm about to clip him at the base and hang it up to dry for 3-5 days. I'm hoping to at least make some use of him and I've seen the thread on hash/oil, I just need to know if a plant that has only been in flower development (12/12) for one week is even worth that...
  4. ScottsIre

    I'm 97% sure it's male, but..

    I want to make absolute certain. While there seem to be ballsacs present, it also seems to be flowering a bit at the top, in the middle. Also, notice how in pic #1, on the left side the ballsacs are present, but what appears on the right side is almost indicative of female growth, or am I...
  5. ScottsIre

    Hello everyone (help?)

    I’m into my third week since germination with this little project and have a few questions. I was hoping and would appreciate any suggestions/advice you fine folks might be able to provide. I’ll start by describing my setup. -Single plant, exact strain unknown, came from a mixed...