Recent content by thisjustin55

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  1. T

    drying tempurature??

    just wondering what tempurature is the best for the initial hang and dry period. ive been reading alot about drying and curing, but ive read about tempurature ranges anywhere from 30F to 130F. whats too cold/hot, and is there any tempuratures that are better than the other? am i just being over...
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    Shot glass method?

    sounds like a good idea to me, i havent ever had bad luck with just planting them straight in the soil. im sure ill try this method once that idea goes sour, thanks!
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    New to growing indoors!

    from what ive read and seen, when youre going to flower with just flouros, it might help to implement a couple of those red-orange flowering bulbs. i heard they help the development of the buds. just something to look into, unless you can get a hps, i think theres enough red-orange spectrum in...
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    Vertizontal Reflector

    very interested in seeing how that turns out, keep us posted!
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    New to growing indoors!

    cfls seem to work pretty decently for veg for me, and its relatively easy to keep them close to the plants (2-3 inches away) but you will have to watch them, and adjust lights everday/ every other day. if you plan on flowering with cfls, i would recommend, putting them into flower between when...
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    Military drug test! important question

    good luck! keep up with all the fluids
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    Grow your plants upside DOWN

    hicks got a good point, glad i read this. i had the same idea!
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    need help! what do you think?

    hello all! im new to growing, and this is my first time. it kind of started as an experiement, but i would like to make the most out of it. any advice, comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! hoping i could talk someone into checking out my post in the Introduce Yourself Forum...
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    new 2 this site!

    oh yeah, forgot to mention there are just two of them, the first 2 pics areone, and the 2nd 2 pics are the other, in a space about 2'x4.5' running 20,800 lumens with the cfls alone.
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    new 2 this site!

    hello all! im new here at marijuanna passion, seems to be a great reference for begginers, and anyone who enjoys pot! i have recently started my first grow, more of an experiment, but i would like to make the most of it, wondering if i could get a few opinions of how its looking so far! i have...