Recent content by triztin85

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  1. T

    Miracle gro and my 1st plant.....

    i finally got a pic of my problem below... i just pruned my plant...cut iff 2 more fan leaves with spots... now everything is lookin good....
  2. T

    This is my first plant!

    i have not made an entry in quite some time, so i thought id update an show some pics to show how my pant has been doing, as you can see i have used a lot of lst and some hst as well. My plant for the first 4 inches or so is completely horizontal. it has recently starting growing in an...
  3. T

    Miracle gro and my 1st plant.....

    >><<A little background to my plant (skip to next paragraph for my question if ya dont waan read this part =) >><< Hello everyone...about a month ago i found a seed in my car and decided to plant it...well it grew and i found out a little after that it is the indicia type....i have been...
  4. T

    Is this good?

    so i take it the lighting i have is not that good....i have 3 grow lights bought from wal mart..i think total it has 3100 lumens...i only have one plant growing..and its in a 2ft by 2ft plant is like 26 days old and seems to be doing very well
  5. T

    Is this good?

    hey everyone..i have been lookin around for differant grow lights...what do you all think of this
  6. T

    is it possible to show the sex early...

    nope it was from seed.... and since i dont really have any way of getting seeds or clones from anyone im jsut gonna keep this plant in vegetative and keep it growing and use a lot of LSt and make a lot of clones from it... i jsut thought you had to put it in 12/12 light cycles before you can...
  7. T

    is it possible to show the sex early...

    Hello everyone I have one plant right now at the moment and it is my first time growing indoor... My plant is about 22 days old or so and i have kept the light on it 24 hours a day every day. ( about 3400 lumens) and i just got back from being gone for 3 days and when i got back i noticed it...
  8. T

    This is my first plant!

    updated for November 25th, 2007
  9. T my plant ok?

    awesome! thank you all for your is my first time growin and i was kinda gettin nervous...haha....*wipes the sweat from my forehead* now all i gotta do is hope and pray that it is a But again... thank you all for your comments and help.
  10. T my plant ok?

    hi there... so here is the question..i have a plant has been about 14 days since it srouted out of the is about a 1 1/2 inches in height and it has 10 leaves growing...4 of which are over 4 inches long... i have been lookin at a lot of other grow journals to see...
  11. T

    is 7000

    Is 7000 lumens good for growing marijuana? i found this on ebay and was considering buying one...what do you all think?
  12. T

    aero garden

    Has anyone tried to use that Aero Garden to grow marijuana?
  13. T

    need help with my grow box

    nah that was just an accident. when the light said 24inches...that was just the bulb not the holder too so my measurements got thrown off. im gonna buy some smaller ones that will fit in there with some CFL's also. so soon enough the lights should not be slanted.. ill use the bigger ones for...
  14. T

    too much light?

    ummm im not quite sure how to figure that out...they are 75 watt grow lights.... so im not sure how many that is
  15. T

    too much light?

    hi everyone, just had a quick currently growing one plant inside of a 23 H x 12 D x 24.5 W shelf with doors on the front. There are (2)75W florecent tubes (box said specifically for plants") Im curious if 150 W is overkill and also if it is at all cost effecitive or should i turn...