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  • zem
    zem reacted to Flower's post in the thread The system is failing? with Like Like.
    These kids nowadays ain’t got the work ethic that their forefathers did. They would rather let the system collapse around their ears...
  • zem
    zem posted the thread The system is failing? in Coffee Table.
    I noticed a while back how regular jobs are becoming progressively more just not worth it and consuming to the employed. They are...
  • zem
    zem replied to the thread Root Aphids.
    I flipped to flowering 9 days ago. Yesterday i checked thoroughly i removed a vegging plant that was heavily infested and there were no...
  • zem
    zem reacted to Bugus_Monkey's post in the thread Root Aphids with Like Like.
    OK - So with lots of pinch hitters and coffee so far this morning... Post #6, you said you were a few days from flipping, Did You Go...
  • zem
    zem replied to the thread Root Aphids.
    No I am still hopeful that i will prevent them from infesting the entire plant. I did bud wash with h2o2 several times and it was ok. I...
  • zem
    zem replied to the thread Root Aphids.
    The result is ok for the leaves dead aphids all around but i did not eliminate the root infestation. I think they need a root drench. I...
  • zem
    zem replied to the thread Help.
    You could wash them off with water to limit their numbers until your ladybugs arrive. Vent them well after the spraying to dry off the...
  • zem
    zem replied to the thread Root Aphids.
    So I ended up getting Sivanto and applied it foliar. I am hoping that because it is systemic, it will get to the roots without having to...